Wednesday, May 08, 2019

SPLM-N Agar Warns Against Ignoring Issues of Peace
May 7, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - The deputy leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) led by Malik Agar warned against ignoring the issues of war and peace during the current stage, saying that this has implications for the future of change in the country.

Despite the cessation of hostilities in Darfur, the Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, no peace agreement was sealed between the government and armed groups to settle the conflict there.

Also, after the fall of al-Bashir’s régime, the focus remains on the power transfer to civilians as the military council wants to have their say in everything while the opposition forces call for a limited role to the army.

"The issues of war and peace do not find the attention they deserve, which is detrimental to the future of the revolution and change," Arman in statements to Sudan Tribune.

He pointed out that negotiations over power transfer with the military council as important as they are should not obscure the urgent measures to stop the counterrevolution, which tries to create a climate to disrupt the forces of revolution.

"We need more clarity and unity and to deal in time with (urgent) tasks," said armed.

Among the key tasks that need urgent decisions, he pointed to the security apparatus saying it should be reformed to become an intelligence agency as it was the case in the 2005 constitution before to be amended. Also, stopping the use of government media against the revolution, reinstating those who have been dismissed for political reasons and to putting the issue of peace at the top of our priorities.

He cautioned that ignoring those issues detract from the achievement of democracy.

"when you try again what you have already experimented you feel remorse. The current revolution is an invaluable opportunity for the resettlement of democracy and peace together," he stressed.

Arman pointed out that the strategic goal of the revolution is the establishment of a civil democratic state based on citizenship without discrimination, and without that, we will not solve the problems that have faced Sudan since its independence.

"Therefore, the strategy of the revolutionary forces to establish a democratic state must not be absent in the performance of our daily duties and in the programs of the transitional period," he added.


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