Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Sudan Puts Former Security Chief Under House Arrest: Official
May 7, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - Salah Gosh the former Director of the National Security and Intelligence Services (NISS) has been placed under house arrest, said the spokesperson of the military council on Tuesday.

In a press conference held at the Sudanese presidency, Shams al-Din Kabbashir denied reports about Gosh presence outside prison saying he and the other figures of the former regime including Omer al-Bashir are in jail and that the investigations are underway with them.

"No one will escape punishment," he said.

On Tuesday, Mohamed Nagi al-Asam, the spokesperson of the Sudanese Professionals Association told reporters that the former regime officials responsible for the killing of 90 protesters have been killed were still at large, including Salah Gosh. He stressed the need to transfer power to civilians and to hold the former regime’s figures accountable.

Kabbashi did not say when Gosh was placed under house arrest but stressed that he is under investigation.

Gosh resigned two days after al-Bashir’s destitution by the army on 11 April. Military officials at the time said he was one of the instigators of the military coup.

Five days ago, the Foreign Policy reported that Gosh was free in Khartoum.

Rumours of his arrest "have been exaggerated said the reporter of Foreign Policy. “Yes I am free, of course,” Gosh told him.

Justin Lynch, Foreign Policy journalist in a tweet posted on Tuesday said he spoke with Gosh on Thursday.


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