Sunday, May 05, 2019

Sudanese Opposition Agrees in Principle to Mediation’s Proposals Over Sovereignty Council
Freedom and Change forces and military council meet at the Sudanese presidency in Khartoum on 27 April 2019 (ST photo)

May 4, 2019 (KHARTOUM) - The opposition Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) leader said that the forces of the "Declaration of Freedom and Change" agreed in principle to proposals made by a mediation committee trying to bridge the gap between the opposition coalition and the Transitional Military Council.

The forces of the Declaration "accepted the proposal of mediation in principle with some observations," Omer al-Diqair told Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

He said that the matter is still under discussion between the forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change to take a unified position on it in a manner that does not conflict with the principle providing that the structures of the transitional authority should be composed of civilians as stipulated in the Declaration of Freedom and Change."

A mediation committee of Sudanese neutral personalities, including businessman Osama Daoud and the well-known journalist Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh, proposed forming a joint Sovereignty Council of seven civilians and three militaries, headed by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, alongside a National Security and Defence Council of 7 soldiers and 3 civilians.

The mediation proposal, which is approved by the military junta, provides to form a "council of ministers with full executive powers nominated by the forces of freedom and change and headed by a prime minister who participates in the selection of his ministers.

The ministers are supposed to be technocrat and experts.

The Security and Defence Council will not interfere in this process except within the limits of security checks.

According to the proposal, the security council and defence will consist of seven militaries and three civilians who are members of the Council of Ministers: the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Initially, the army asked to keep the sovereignty council saying the government will be entirely composed of civilians except for the defence and interior ministries.

The mediation came with the idea of security and defence council as the army said they have concerns over the situation in the region.

Once this step is agreed, the discussions will move the duration of the interim period. The military council says they want two years while the opposition speaks about four years.


However, the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) on Saturday categorically rejected any military representation in the proposed sovereign council.

"The proposition made by the mediation committee opens the door to the counter-revolution in an attempt to legitimize the authority of the military council to preserve its interests. Also, it comes in the interest of the soft landing project, rejected by the Sudanese who reject dependence and foreign interference in its internal affairs."

The presence of any members of the military council in the sovereign council gives it the unacceptable appearance of a military coup.

This will lead to implementing the decision of the African Union Peace Security Council and the suspension of Sudan membership in the African Union.

This is the objective that wants to achieve some of the counter-revolutionary forces, backed by some Arab countries, so Sudan will be isolated from Africa. "

The Sudanese communists also voiced their rejection of the security and defence council.


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