Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Venezuelan Top Court Orders Prosecution of 7 Lawmakers over Participation in Coup
Venezuela's Supreme Court President Maikel Moreno reads a statement in Caracas, Venezuela August 1, 2017. | Photo: Reuters

7 May 2019

The seven opposition lawmakers are accused of illicit activity linked to treason, conspiracy, instigation for civil rebellion among other crimes.

The Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, found guilty seven opposition lawmakers of the Venezuelan National Assembly, which has been in contampt oif that very court since 2016, for illicit activity linked to treason, conspiracy, instigation for civil rebellion, conspiracy to commit a crime, usurpation of functions, and public instigation for disobedience of the laws, after their participation in the attempted coup on April 30.

Henry Ramos Allup, Luis Germán Florido, Marianela Magallanes López, José Simón Calzadilla Peraza, Andrés Enrique Delgado Velázquez, Amerigo De Grazia and Richard José Blanco Delgado have been held responsible for the violation of articles 128, 132, 143, 145 , 163, 213, 285, stipulated in the Venezuelan Penal Code, before the Flagrant Commission of Common Crimes.

This request for indictment was made official by the Attorney General of the Public Ministry of Venezuela Tarek Willian Saab.

Meanwhile, the Plenary Chamber of the Venezuelan Supreme Court decided to send a certified copy to the President of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, so that he continues the judicial process against the seven opposition deputies.

According to the statutes of the Constitutional Chamber of the High Court, in this case the preliminary hearing of merit against the seven Venezuelan officials has to take place in ordinary courts in criminal matters of the South American nation to expedite the prosecution of these citizens.

On April 30, Juan Guaido, the oppostion lawmaker who had illegally self-proclaimed as the country's interim president back in January, called on people and the military to take to the streets to carry out a coup to oust President Nicolas Maduro. The opposition lawmakers mentioned above participated in the attempted coup d'etat in the Altamira Distributor, east of the capital Caracas.

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