Thursday, July 11, 2019

Everlasting Sino-DPRK Friendship
Zhou Haiqiao, granddaughter of Zhou Baozhong, a Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, had an interview with KCNA on July 8.

She is now on her visit to the DPRK to mark the 25th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's demise.

Noting that when July comes around she pictures the benevolent image of Kim Il Sung who used to embrace her family members with a broad smile on his face, she went on:

I visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where the President lies in state, which reminded me of the great exploits he performed for the history of the Sino-DPRK friendship.

Every anti-Japanese battle site in northeast China is associated with the long journey of bloody combats undergone by the revolutionaries of elder generations of the two countries, going hungry and sleeping outdoors together.

The President was a paragon of internationalism who sincerely helped the Chinese revolution, despite hardship right after the liberation of Korea.

He never forgot but frequently recalled my grandfather who was his close revolutionary comrade-in-arms and showed warm love for our family just as he had done to my grandfather.

When meeting our family, Chairman Kim Jong Il recollected every paragraph of the letter sent by my grandfather to the President during the Korean war, terming the relations between the DPRK and China a paragon of relations among all countries over the world and the ties with the family of my grandfather a model.

The Sino-DPRK friendly relations forged by the preceding leaders of the two countries are growing stronger.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent DPRK visit and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un’s four rounds of visits to China helped confirm once again the durability of the China-DPRK relations provided and developed by the elder generations of the two countries while sharing their intention, friendly feelings and destiny.

The traditional bilateral ties forged with blood through the sacred struggle for the common cause will be everlasting.


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