Thursday, July 11, 2019

Three Minutes’ Silence Observed for Kim Il Sung
The feelings of earnest yearning for President Kim Il Sung pervaded the whole country on July 8, the greatest memorial day of the Korean nation.

Flags were flying at half-mast in all units, including institutions at all levels and industrial establishments, farms, fishing villages and schools in Pyongyang and in provinces, from Phungso-ri, Onsong County at the northern tip of the country to Phyonghwa-ri near the Demarcation Line in Kaesong, and from Pidan Island in the west sea to lighthouse village on Al Island in the east sea.

An endless stream of the Korean people and other service personnel, with boundless reverence for the peerlessly great person who devoted his whole life for the country and the people, socialism and global independence, visited the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill and other places, their portraits, towers to the immortality of the leaders, revolutionary battle sites, revolutionary historic sites and monuments to the field guidance by the leaders across the country.

Sirens blared all at once across the country at high noon.

Sirens reverberated far and wide in cities, villages, worksites and all other units with running trucks and locomotives sounding whistles and horns.

All the people and service personnel offered a three-minute silent tribute to the memory of Kim Il Sung, eternal President of the DPRK, in the humblest reverence.

Boundless Reverence for Kim Il Sung

All the Korean people and service personnel of the People's Army honoured the memory of President Kim Il Sung, founder of socialist Korea and great sage of the revolution, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his demise.

Working people, youth and students and service personnel visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the supreme sanctuary of Juche, on July 8, the greatest memorial day of the Korean nation.

People from every walk of life entered the plaza of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun and paid tribute to the portraits of beaming images of the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Working people, youth and students and service personnel visited the statues of the great leaders on Mansu Hill and mosaics depicting their smiling images in different parts of the country to pay highest respects to them.

Remembrance concerts, meetings, presentations of poems and songs, and oath-taking meetings also took place in different parts of the country.

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