Saturday, July 02, 2022

DPRK Warm Care for People

On August 13, Juche 109 (2020), the 16th Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 7th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea took place under the guidance of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Briefing on the general situation of damage in several flood-stricken areas caused by the sudden torrential rains and floods, the respected General Secretary said at the meeting that the flood victims must be suffering great pains as they were living in shelters with their houses and properties lost. He earnestly said that our Party, at this crucial time, must be wholly responsible for their living and get closer to them in order to share with them in their pain and relieve them of their sufferings.

After taking detailed measures to repair the flood damage as early as possible and stabilize people’s life, he said that through the active rehabilitation drive we should prove in practice once again the revolutionary features of our Party that always shares misfortune and pain with the people and protects them by relieving all their pains and the advantages of our social system. He repeatedly stressed the need for our Party to fulfil its sacred duty so that it would not feel ashamed of itself before the people and surely live up to their trust and expectation.

Some days later, the respected General Secretary inspected the typhoon-stricken areas in South Hwanghae Province to learn about the damage.

After receiving a detailed report on the situation of damage from the leading official of the province, he took all necessary measures underscoring the need to do well the work of repairing the typhoon damage as soon as possible by concentrating all efforts on it.

That day, he noted that it is one of top-priority tasks to be surely carried out by our Party to go among the people to share weal and woe with them and encourage and sincerely help them when they are in trouble and feel difficult, and that the Party Central Committee should always be with them whether they are happy or not.

Thanks to such warm care of his for the people, the disaster-stricken areas clearly removed all traces of flood damage in a short time and peace and stability settled on them again.


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