Saturday, July 02, 2022

Secretariat of WPK Central Committee Meets

The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea held an enlarged meeting on June 27 at the office building of the WPK Central Committee.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, presided over the meeting.

Attending it were members of the Secretariat of the WPK Central Committee.

Present as observers were directors of relevant departments, the first deputy director of the Organizational Leadership Department and deputy department directors of the WPK Central Committee.

The meeting discussed the important issues related with the Party work, including the issue of improving and readjusting the work system of Party guiding organs at all levels and strengthening their political activities, the issue of reorganizing structure of some departments of the Party Central Committee, the issue of establishing a new system to strengthen the guidance and help to the work of the provincial Party committees, the issue of improving the rules of the general affairs of the Party and the system of dealing with confidential documents, the issue of intensifying policy-oriented guidance on the work of the state and public security, judiciary and prosecution fields and organizing the necessary work within this year for the present, the issue of setting up a new study system to improve the political and practical qualifications and work ability of officials of Party organizations at all levels and the issue of prioritizing and intensifying the work of the working people’s organizations across the Party.

The respected General Secretary made an important conclusion on the roles and immediate tasks of departments of the Party Central Committee and the major principles to be maintained in the Party-wide political activities and the tasks and ways for doing so.



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