Wednesday, May 04, 2011

African Union Should Forestall Western Machinations

AU should forestall Western machinations

Tuesday, 03 May 2011 23:14
Herald Reporter

THE forthcoming African Union Summit to be hosted by Equatorial Guinea next month is critical in light of the machinations by Western countries in North Africa, President Mugabe has said.

President Mugabe said this at his Munhumutapa Offices just before holding a closed door meeting with the special envoy from Equatorial Guinea President, State Secretary in Charge of National Security, Mr Juan Antonio Bibang Nchuchuma, where they discussed various issues ahead of the summit.
Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema is the current AU chairman.

"The forthcoming summit will be an important one. People who colonised us want to come back, see what they are doing in North Africa," said President Mugabe.

A number of North African countries have been facing domestic uprisings since the beginning of the year that have seen the ouster of president Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Tunisia's Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.

In Libya, rebels assisted by Nato forces have been waging a war to remove Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and have refused mediation efforts by the AU.

France and Italy have been at the forefront calling for the Libyan leader's ouster.

The two countries including Britain and the US have openly called for Col Gaddafi's ouster and have been accused of violating a UN resolution that allowed intervention to protect civilians by targeting the Libyan leader and his family.

Col Gaddafi's son and his three grandchildren were killed in an air raid by NATO forces over the weekend.

A British army general has vowed to crush the Libyan leader.

France has also been accused of playing a prominent role in the capture of former Cote d'Ivoire president Laurent Gbabgo after he refused to vacate office following his loss in a disputed election won by Mr Alassane Ouatarra.

The international community rushed to recognise Mr Ouatarra as president before African leaders accepted the results of the polls.

Speaking to journalists after the meeting yesterday, Mr Nchuchuma said preparations for the summit to be held between June 30 and July 1 were on course.

"As you know, it (security) is very important.

Africa suffered for a long time. We need security and we are working with others to stabilise the situations we have in Africa," he said.

"We are very busy and as you know for the 42 years of independence of Equatorial Guinea this is the first time we have hosted the AU Summit.

"People of Equatorial Guinea and the government are very excited. We have prepared a new city for the summit," he said.

Zimbabwe and Equatorial Guinea have strong relations after Zimbabwe intercepted mercenaries at the Harare International Airport that were enroute to the Central African country to carry out a coup while the oil-rich nation assisted Zimbabwe at the height of fuel shortages.

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