Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Zimbabwe Ruling Party Congratulates the Communist Party of China

Zanu-PF congratulates China

Tuesday, 03 May 2011 22:09

Zanu-PF last week congratulated the Chinese Communist Party on attaining 90 years this year indicating that the party has a rich history that Zimbabweans are keen to learn from.

In an interview with Xinhua, Zanu-PF national chairman Cde Simon Khaya Moyo paid tribute to CPC for steering China's socio-economic development over the years.

"The 90th anniversary of the founding of CPC is a very significant and milestone achievement in the history not only of China but really in the history of the world," he said.

"I am saying this because we are much aware that the CPC, since its founding 90 years ago, has gone through a lot of transformation and that transformation has been focused on the people of the People's Republic of China in terms of development, peace, unity and in terms of international solidarity with other countries of the world.

"We are therefore joining you in celebrating these 90 years of tremendous success."

Cde Khaya Moyo said under the leadership of the CPC, China has transformed into one of the greatest countries in the world as evidenced by its overtaking of Japan last year to become the second largest economy in the world.

He said he had no doubt that under the leadership of CPC, China would soon occupy the number one slot in the economy.

China had done extremely well in terms of industrialisation under the guidance of CPC, Moyo noted, and revealed he will soon lead a high powered Zanu-PF delegation to China to meet with their Chinese counterparts.

"We want to learn on how the party operates and I am sure it will be a very beneficial visit.

"We are keen to borrow a leaf or two on how the CPC has performed such magic in your country," Cde Khaya Moyo said.

Cde Khaya Moyo said the greatest strength of the CPC over the 90 years has probably been its ability to anchor the nation's transformation process on people's requirements.

Zanu-PF considered the CPC as a brother and highly valued the relationship which according to Cde Khaya Moyo was "a symbiotic relationship based on principles, values, the dignity of man, unity, peace, and development".

He said these principles, as well as the material support that Zimbabwe got from China during the liberation struggle and at the United Nation's Security Council meeting in 2008, continued to bind the two parties together.

China alongside Russia vetoed a proposed UNSC resolution to impose sweeping sanctions on Zimbabwe, a move Khaya-Moyo said the country will always be grateful for.

The Zanu-PF national chairman said under the leadership of the CPC, China had demonstrated to the world the values and ethos of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

"You have demonstrated that you are great country which believes in mutual respect of the sovereignty of other countries, you don't impose yourselves on others, you don't dictate to other people what to do.

"You believe that, through of course the guidance of the CPC, each country must be respected and there must be no interference in its internal affairs and we feel ourselves that is really the way to go.

"No body needs to see a bully in this world," he said.

He praised China for staying away from "unpolished politics" of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries like what the West was doing to Libya.

"China must continue in that manner," he said.
Cde Khaya Moyo said an example that Zimbabwe and other developing countries should learn from the CPC was the issue of having a government that was a product of the party.

To him, it should not be the party, which is a product of government.

The party must have control of how government operates and all those in government should know that they are deployees of the party who are required to serve the interests of the people as directed by the party, he said.

"We are happy with that position that CPC has taken and we also in Zanu-PF are coming along those lines so that in future we have a government which will be ver y clear that they are a product of the party and are answerable to the party and to the people," Moyo said.

Zanu-PF recently formed an inclusive Government with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T and Deputy Premier Arthur Mutambara's MDC.

Cde Khaya-Moyo said the advantage of having a government that was a product of the party was the guarantee of implementation of policies coming from the people.

By implementing party policies it showed the party was listening to the people, he said.

He hailed Chinese leaders as humble and great people who respect other people and are keen to learn from others.

"I have been impressed by the quality of the leadership of the CPC and we will continue to exchange notes," he said.

CPC, he said, has taught Zimbabwe the virtues of patience, mutual respect, respect of other countries' sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries.

He said Zimbabwe had also learnt from CPC that the people were supreme and that political parties must always put the people first and not the leadership.

"China has shown the world that it is a great subscriber to international law and believed in indigenous ownership of natural resources and economic empowerment of the people," he said. - Xinhua.

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