Saturday, July 29, 2017

ANC treasurer-general Zweli Mkhize says that party members should raise their concerns on the right platforms and in an appropriate way.

Katleho Sekhotho
Eyewitness News

KATLEHONG - African National Congress (ANC) treasurer-general Zweli Mkhize says that while the party has instituted disciplinary charges against its MP Makhosi Khoza, members should raise issues within the party and not in public.

He says that by going public, disciplinary processes then also become public.

Mkhize was speaking on the sidelines at the DH Williams Community Hall in Katlehong on Thursday evening where he gave a keynote address.

He says that ANC members should raise their concerns on the right platforms and in an appropriate way.

Mkhize says that Khoza's demand that President Jacob Zuma step down should have been brought up internally.

"I believe that a lot of the issues she raised, are issues that need to be discussed inside the party. Enagagement is important so that comrades must know that if they have issues, how to deal with them."

Mkhize also says he believes that the ANC can be rebuilt.


The treasurer-general added that those implicated in the Gupta-leak emails must account for their actions and face the consequences.

He also says that the ANC supports the commission of inquiry into state capture.

He says that the ANC, the state and all institutions of justice should be able to act on those where there is proof of criminal activity.

"Certain members who have been mentioned and we don't believe that there are any members that could be involved in either corruption or state capture that can be said to be victims. They are there because they colluded with the process."

While Mkhize says that it is not all of the ANC that is involved in state capture, this debacle is a huge embarrassment.

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