Saturday, July 29, 2017

Phosa Condemns Killings of ANC Members
29 July 2017 22:02

Former African National Congress (ANC) Treasurer-general and party presidential candidate, Mathews Phosa, says he's gravely concerned about the killing of party members in the country.

He was speaking on the side-lines of the funeral service of Raymond Mhlaba municipality speaker, Thobeka Njobe.

The 47 year-old Njobe was gunned down outside her house in Newtown location two weeks ago.

Scores of ANC members packed a tent erected at the Zwelitsha Stadium in Fort Beaufort in the Eastern Cape to pay their last respects to Njobe. Speakers spoke of her tough stance on corruption and ill-discipline.

Phosa says he has noticed that party members who are critical of the ANC are silenced and intimidated.

"When we differ politically, we need to sit down and solve problems in a civilised manner... the time for violence as means of communicating between South African citizens is long gone.We must negotiate ourselves out of problems and condemn violence in strongest possible words."

The ANC's provincial secretary Oscar Mabuyane says the party is still bleeding from the loss of Njobe.

"Very principled unshaken very focused on matters of principle, it’s a kind of a person we have lost one of those comrades we would want to nature at this point in time, Thozama has been one of those jewels the ANC has produced."

The Njobe family is still shocked by her murder. Family member, Nomaphelo Chatha, says she was a humble and organic intellectual. She also leaves behind three young children.

"Thozama has been very intelligent very brave and also a leader within the family ,we looked upon her in terms of what the government is providing for the
families and for society as well."

The MEC for Local Government, Fikile Xasa, urged the police to speed up their investigation into the murder. No one has been arrested yet.


Xolani Koyana

CAPE TOWN - Police have refused to be drawn on the motive behind the murder of a municipal official.

It is suspected that the murder is linked to internal party politics.

But it's widely believed that Thozama Njobe, an ANC councillor at the Raymond Mhlaba Municipality in Fort Beaufort, was killed in a hit.

She died in hospital on Monday night from gunshot wounds she sustained in a shooting.

The ANC in the Eastern Cape has confirmed earlier this month that Njobe's staff had been told of a plot to have her killed.

The party's Oscar Mabuyane says it is believed that the whistleblower is one of the hired hitmen who did not want to go ahead with the plan.

“We don’t know the issue that could be behind this or why there were people plotting to assassinate her. It’s a matter for the police to investigate.”

(Edited by Shimoney Regter)

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