Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Statement of the African National Congress Following the National Working Committee Meeting Held on 12th March 2018
14 March 2018

The African National Congress held an ordinary meeting of the National Working Committee (NWC) on Monday the 12th of March 2018. The NWC is a constitutional structure of the ANC mandated with the day to day running of the organisation and the implementation of the resolution of the National Executive Committee. The NWC received and considered a number of reports on the affairs of the organisation including on specific issues of national interest. The NWC engaged extensively with ANC Elections Sub-Committee Report which provided a comprehensive analysis of the open voter registration Weekend.


The ANC embarked on an intense voter registration drive through visits to various communities throughout the country, urging first time voters primarily youth to register and for those who have registered to check and confirm their details. The outcomes of the open voter registration weekend is proof that South Africa has entered an era of hope and renewal. The ANC elections machinery was led in action by the National Officials with President Ramaphosa kicking off the mobilization programme with a health walk from Regina Mundi Church to Mangalane in Chiawelo, Soweto, followed by door-to-door visits and blitzes.

The NWC commended the thousands of ANC volunteers including alliance partners and party agents who took to the streets to mobilize and ensure that eligible South Africans are registered to vote. Registration took place in conditions that were largely peaceful, orderly, and conducive to the free exercise of fundamental political rights. The ANC further calls on all eligible South Africans who have not registered or checked their details during the open voter registration weekend to visit IEC offices within their reach, mostly located within municipal offices including using the SMS line and the toll-free number provided by the IEC to verify their details.

The NWC further noted that in a number of areas, voters were prevented from accessing voting stations due to disruptive protest actions. The ANC calls upon all South Africans to exercise their fundamental right to protest peacefully and unarmed with due regard to the rights of their fellow citizens.

The NWC also learned with shock of the killing of Cde Nqobizwe "Nqoh" Mkhize an ANC voter-district coordinator in Ethekweni Ward 105, and two members of the community by unknown assailants. The ANC condemns this horrendous and murderous act and call on SAPS to act swiftly in bringing those responsible to book. The NWC calls upon law enforcement agencies to ensure that citizens are able to exercise their rights without fear and call upon all levels of government to work with affected communities urgently to resolve any service delivery concerns they have.


The ANC remains committed to the realization of conference resolutions to further the agenda of transformation and development in society. The ANC will therefore continue to canvass across all sections of society a broader and fair understanding on our responsible efforts to advance for the expropriation of land without compensation. The advancement of all resolutions of the 54th National Conference will be undertaken working together with all stakeholders in our society and primarily our own communities and masses of our people.


The NWC noted the Report by the Sbu Ndebele Commission on the outcomes of the Eastern Cape 8th Provincial Elective Conference and the report will be placed before the NEC for decision-making.


The NWC noted with great concern the recent outbreak of Listeriosis. We are especially disturbed by the high number of fatalities, with 180 deaths reported to date. This has been recorded as the largest outbreak in history and must be treated with the urgency and seriousness it deserves. We urge citizens to remain vigilant and ensure that they follow the guidelines issued by health authorities to ensure food safety so that we may arrest this scourge and prevent further exposure to the risks of ingesting contaminated food products. We further call on health authorities to intensify their efforts towards focused awareness programs and adopt more preventative approaches in dealing with this disease.


The NWC noted the placement of the VBS Mutual Bank under curatorship and that such efforts should be undertaken with a view of resuscitating and assisting VBS to function optimally within the requisite regulations as a going concern with sufficient liquidity for self-sustainability. Similarly the Secretary General honored a request of a meeting by the VBS delegation on the Tuesday the 13th of March 2017. Such engagements will be ongoing with a view of finding long lasting solution and further resolve the ongoing impasse consistent with an the ANC overriding commitment to fully transform the financial services sector as the per the resolutions of the 54th National Conference.


The NWC noted and resolved on the nominations of Premiers Elect for the Provinces of the Free State and Mpumalanga. The Two Comrades Nominated for the Position of Premiers Elect are as follows:
Mpumalanga: Refilwe Mtshweni
Free State : Sisi Ntombela

The NWC believes that the two women nominated as Premiers Elect will take forward the agenda of radical socio-economic transformation. The nomination of the Premiers Elect demonstrates that the ANC is a true non-sexist organisation and continues to recognize the existing leadership capacity of the Women within our organisation.

Issued by the African National Congress


Pule Mabe
National Spokesperson
071 623 4975

Donovan Cloete
Acting National Communications Manager
071 461 2989

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