Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Statement of the ANC on the Reinstatement of Charges Against Comrade Jacob Zuma
16 March 2018

The African National Congress (ANC) has noted the decision of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to reinstate charges of corruption against the former President of the ANC and the Republic of South Africa, Comrade Jacob Zuma.

The ANC reaffirms its confidence in our country's criminal justice system and our respect for the independence of the judiciary. We equally affirm our commitment to the constitutionally enshrined principle of equality of all before the law.

Accordingly we call on South Africans at large to afford the NPA space to conduct its work unhindered, we continue to assert the inalienable right of all in our country, including Comrade Jacob Zuma, to be presumed innocent until and if proven guilty.

Issued by

Ace Magashule
Secretary General
African National Congress

Pule Mabe 071 623 4975

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