Haitian youth are on the frontlines against the United Nations occupation of their country. The former government of Jean Bertrand Aristide was overthrown by the United States and France in 2004.
Originally uploaded by Pan-African News Wire File Photos
Update Bulletin #1 - Actions planned on 4 Continents for February 29th, 2008
25 Cities Join International Day in Solidarity with Haiti
So far 25 cities -- in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Europe and North America -- are organizing for the International Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People on February 29th, fourth anniversary of the coup. They are planning street protests and marches, vigils, film showings and public meetings to demonstrate support for self-determination, democracy and justice for the people of Haiti.. Everywhere, new people are becoming involved.
Solidarity events are being organized in Brazil, the US and Canada -- countries that provided troops and leadership for the foreign military occupation of Haiti -- as well as in South Africa, Ireland and the Caribbean, in support of the resistance of the people in Haiti.
This is a critical moment for Haiti. Deepening poverty and the spiraling cost of living, as well as continuing human rights violations, are all part of daily life under Occupation. But the people's resistance remains strong, and our solidarity is needed.
Here is what you can do:
1. Organize an activity for Haiti on or around Friday, Febuary 29 in your city or town. [It can be during the week before, or the weekend after.]
2. Let us know now what you are planning -- date, time, location, type of activity, contact information -- so we can build the campaign. After your event, please call or email us a report immediately so we can publicize each city's protest activity while the news is still fresh. Call +1-510-847-8657 or email feb29@sonic.net
3. Work for the safe return of abducted Haitian human rights advocate Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. For more information and to sign the petition, go to http://www.globalwomenstrike.net/Haiti/HaitiIndex.htm and http://www.haitisolidarity.net/article.php?id=207
4. Order the new DVD "What's Going on in Haiti?" - about Haiti in 2007 under US/UN Occupation. The 16-minute DVD includes live footage of the Dec. 22, 2006 UN massacre in Cite Soleil, and the massive Dec.16 march in Port-au-Prince against the Occupation that preceded it. Live footage of the July 6, 2005 UN massacre in the same neighborhood also included. English narration. Order by phone or email. Be sure to include the street address where you want it delivered. Our cost is about $8 for each DVD including shipping by US priority mail [fast mail or overseas is more]. Your contribution will be appreciated; mail to HAC, PO Box 2218, Berkeley CA 94702.
5. Order buttons for the '3rd International Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People' (2-inch round). Our cost is about $1 per button including shipping by US priority mail. Be sure to include your street address. Order by phone or email. Mail contributions to HAC, PO Box 2218, Berkeley CA 94702
6.. Spread the word to your friends in other cities. Circulate these documents:
a. The Call to Action: 3rd International Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People - Coordinated International Protests on Feb. 29, 2008 is posted on the Haiti Action Committee website www.haitisolidarity.net as well as at the news website www.haitiaction.net. Contact us to receive the Call to Action in Spanish or Portuguese.
b. Collective Punishment of a People, a timely, half-sheet analysis of Haiti since the February 29, 2004 coup, can be downloaded at www.haitisolidarity.net Suitable for printing up and passing out at your event.
Thank you, brothers and sisters.
The February 29th Organizing Committee
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