Monday, July 09, 2012

Emergency Meeting Tonight on the Detroit Economic Crisis, Join Moratorium NOW! From 7:00-9:00pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Emergency Meeting, Monday, July 9, 7:00-9:00pm
Location: 5920 Second Ave. at Antoinette, North of WSU Campus
Sponsors: Moratorium NOW! Coalition & MECAWI
Contact: 313-680-5508

Stop Union-Busting in Detroit! Defend City/DPS Workers' Jobs! Support "Better Made" Workers!

Public Act 4 and the Detroit "Financial Stability Agreement" (FSA) are nothing but union busting!

Hundreds of unionized city workers are about to be laid off even though their jobs are fully funded by the federal government through the Head Start, CSBG and Workforce Development grants and thus don't cost the city one dime. The city plans on replacing these long-time city workers through the creation of a new non-union agency.

The union contracts for the City of Detroit and the Detroit Public Schools workers are being arbitrarily eliminated as the Public Employee Relations Act is superseded by the Emergency Manager Act.

Not to be out done, Better Made Potato Chips, one of the few union factories left in Detroit, is attempting to impose a union-busting, two-tier, regressive contract on its east side workers.

These attacks are spearheaded by the banks who are actually running the city, first destroying our neighborhoods through their racist foreclosures, and now extorting $16.9 billion from the city treasury through debt service guaranteed by Public Act 4 and the FSA at the cost of the destruction of all city services and jobs.

Come to an organizing meeting to discuss how to beat back this union-busting attack on city workers in the public and private sector. The courts have shown they will not stop these attacks. It's time to hit the streets to stop the war on the workers and the community.

Only a united fight back can stop these attacks! Don't let the bankers and their lackey politicians get away with this! Enough is enough!

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