Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cuban 4th Plenary of the Communist Party Central Committee

Havana. July 24, 2012

4th Plenary of the Communist Party Central Committee

THE 4th Plenary of the Communist Party of Cuba’s Central Committee took place on July 22, headed by President Raúl Castro Ruz, its first secretary.

José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Central Committee, gave a detailed report on the work of the Secretariat and the auxiliary structure of the Central Committee in confirming the implementation of the Economic and Social Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution, and the objectives approved by the 6th Congress and 1st National Conference of the Party.

Representative visits to workplaces, student centers and local organizations of the Communist Party, plus direct exchanges with tens of thousands of people provided the leadership with ample information on issues in the economic, productive and services sectors of places visited, which provided the basis of the report’s assessments and the plenary discussion.

Within work priorities, it was possible to confirm the state of economic plans, contracts, financial problems, the reorganization of the enterprise system and inflated workforce rosters, the investment process, technological and constructive maintenance, the situation of inventories, production in the exports sector and the substitution of imports, confronting crime and corruption, as well as specific aspects in different sectors of the economy. The principal difficulties detected were reported to the meeting, with emphasis on directions as to the work of the Party, plus recommendations for their solution.

In relation to the objectives approved by the 1st National Party Conference, the plenary was informed of the updating and redrafting of the organization’s guiding documents and the immediate implementation of a group of objectives not requiring other measures. Details were provided of results of Party municipal and district assemblies in the first few months of this year, which evidenced the need to continue raising the exemplary conduct and combativity of members, as well as resolving shortcomings in the work of cadres and local organizations.

The Plenary also discussed the report given by Marino Murillo Jorge, member of the Political Bureau and head of the Implementation and Development Permanent Commission, reviewing work undertaken in the fist six months of the year to fulfill the 6th Congress agreements. He also reported on the study and presentation of new proposals of greater magnitude, given that these constitute the principal core of updating the model.

Adel Yzquierdo, member of the Political Bureau and Minister of Economy and Planning, gave a report on economic progress in the first half of the year.

President Raúl Castro recalled that the meeting reflected the 6th Congress and the National Conference decision that plenary sessions of the Central Committee should analyze, at least twice a year, the fulfillment of agreements adopted in both events, particularly those related to progress in updating the economic model, fulfilling the economic plan and the objectives of the Party’s work.

Those present were informed of the results of the visits made by Raúl to the People’s Republic of China, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Russian Federation, which contributed to further developing Cuba’s historical links with the three countries.

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