Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Zimbabwe President Mugabe Calls for Moratorium on Evictions and Restoration of Homes

No one will lose house over arrears: President

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 00:52
Felex Share Herald Reporter

RESIDENTS who lost their houses to corrupt MDC-T councillors over outstanding rents and rates will get them back when Zanu-PF wins the July 31 harmonised elections, President Mugabe has said. Several people — including widows in Chitungwiza, Harare and other urban councils — had their houses repossessed by councils and later allocated to corrupt MDC-T councillors over outstanding debts in the last four years.

Addressing tens of thousands of Zanu-PF supporters at a star rally at Chibuku Stadium in Chitungwiza yesterday, the President said as the election day draws closer, people should vote for leaders who have people at heart.

“You have come in your numbers to celebrate what you had forgotten in 2008.

You had been lulled a bit, and the enemy penetrated you. And today, your houses have been taken away from you, repossessed. Hoyo nhasi uno nedzimba maakutorerwa.

“Taitaura naVaChombo nezuro unouyu, tikati kwete vanhu havatorerwe dzimba. Vangava vane zvikwereti zvakadii, asi dzimba dzavo hadzitorwe.”

“Vakatorerwa nevanga vasati vatorerwa, tichazvirambidza izvozvo. Zimbabwe ndeyenyu, hamungaite kunge mhuka munyika menyu.”

He said no matter how huge the debts were, friendly payment plans should be made for vulnerable members of society.

“Musatore dzimba dzevanhu. Kana atadza kubhadhara mari inodiwa moziva kuti ane mudzimai nevana. Tsvagai zvingaitwe kuti vazobhadhara mari iyoyo kwete kutora dzimba dzavo. Mari dzevanhu dzinosungirwa kugadzira migwagwa nezvimwe. Tinoda macouncillor aneruzivo, anoziva zvido zvevanhu kuti hupenyu hureruke.”

The President reminded the supporters that with two weeks before the elections, they would be approached for their vote.

“Tasarirwa nemasvondo maviri kuti musi waJuly 31 usvike patichanzi huyai, vhotai zvakare asi movhota muchiziva kuti takambozvipisa nemoto muna 2008,” he said.

He said Zanu-PF would ensure there was clean water and toilets for people in Chitungwiza, the largest township in Zimbabwe.

He said MDC-T councillors and Members of Parliament voted into office in 2008 had failed to deliver as they concentrated on self enrichment.

“Tisingataure mvura yekunwa nekubikisa, mvura yakakoshesesa,” he said.

“Utano hwevanhu hwakakosha zvino moita macouncillor echinja iwaya mukatika zvatakanzi timbo chinja titore veMDC veZanu-PF pasi navo. Ndokunotora imi vasingabatwe, vanga vasati vamboona huwando hwemari vakutora mari dzemarates nemarents ndokupakira muhomwe.

“Aizve mari dzawapakira muhomwe hadzisi dzako dzinosungirwa kuenda uko kunogadzirwa magetsi nemvura kuti vanhu vasashaye magetsi. Zvazivikanwa nani hanzi isu tinodyei? Hanzi ndiri councillor ndingabva ndafamba netsoka ndotsvagawo chichovha changu? Aah, nemari dzevanhu?”

He said control of the country’s resources should remain in the hands of the people and those who still have a colonial mentality are free to follow former colonisers to their respective countries.

President Mugabe said Western countries pushing for regime change in Zimbabwe would never control the country again.

“Ngatidzidze kuzviitira pachedu. Zvekuchemera varungu aiwa, havachauyaka. Anenge achivadisisaka, tevera nzira unoziva kwavari!” he said.

“Isu tinoziva huipi hwavo. Hongu kune vashoma vakanaka asi takatarira struggle yedu, vashoma vakatibatsira. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans and hatitande vanoda kushanda nesu asi tinoda vanobvuma kuti ndisu vatongi. Tinoramba vanoita semaBritish vanoda kuti kwese kwavaenda vanoda kutonga. Kwenyu ndekwenyu kwedu ndekweduwo, tinoramba.”

He said all the noise Western countries were making about Zimbabwe was because they no longer had direct access to the country’s resources.

“Hakuperi mwedzi vasina kutaura nezvedu muparamende mavo. Toti nhai, vanhu verudzi hwai? Tinehukama navo? Pane anoera Shumba kana Gushungo ikoko?

“Ingori nguva nenguva Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe. Hanzi vanhu varikutambura kuZimbabwe. Nyika ndeyedu regedza titambudzike tinoziva zvekuiita isu. You keep your England and we keep our Zimbabwe handiti ndozvatakataurirana.”

He said the West had tried to use opposition political parties and non-governmental organisations to effect regime change but failed.

He said MDC-T and the NGOs were trying to portray Zimbabwe as a violence-riddled country ahead of the July 31 harmonised elections.

“Hanzi tikabvisa VaMugabe mhesvamikono towana mapindiro, tonyatsochera zvicherwa zvizere pasi apaka, zvinozivikanwa nezvisingazivikanwa,” President Mugabe said.

“Vamwe vedu vakanyangirwa vakanzi itai opposition party kuti simba revanhu rigede-gede vagowana mapindiro. MaNGO haasi enhamo asi anopa rubatsiro rushoma shoma. Basa kufeya feya magariro edu vopedzesera voti mune violence muZimbabwe, patukanwa ponzi pane rufu.

“Iyezvino varikuti hakuna peace muZimbabwe mufunge. Makagara magariro amakaita aya hapana akubatirai pfuti asi kuti magara makadaro nehunhu hwenyu. Mazvisimudza mega kuti muuye kuzoteerera mashoko emutungamiri wenyu, mwana wevhu.”

Zimbabweans, President Mugabe said, should strive to create their own companies to ensure 100 percent of earnings from the resources remain in the country.

“Tinoda vana vedu vanokwanisa kuzviumba, vachiitawo makambani ekuchera,” he said.

“Hatidi kuramba tichishandira varungu tichinzi mabhoyi mabhoyi. Iye zvino makambani ane varungu nevatema asi chikamu chinoenda kuvachena kunyangwe chakaenzana nechinosara muno chakawandisa zvichikonzerwa nekuti hatina makambani edu.

“Vana vedu vakafunda mageologist nemaengineers saka chatinotadza chii? Mukaenda kumigodhi yose munoona maengineers ose ikoko vari vatema asi wozowana kamurungu pamusoro apa kanoti ndini bhasa. Izvi kwete.

“Pfungwa dzedu ngadzichene uye pfungwa yekuti hapana chinobudirira pasina murungu ngaibve matiri. Chimurenga chedu zvachakabudirira tikarakasha varungu chakange chine varungu.”

He commended small-scale farmers for working hard to combat the effects of sanctions by utilising available resources as witnessed by the increasing number of tobacco farmers.

President Mugabe mocked the MDC-T mantra of “change” saying it was impossible to change the fact that they were Zimbabweans.

“Vamwe vakatsautsira vanzwa kuti kune musangano mutsva wechinja vakati ah, Zanu-PF yatinonokera kuri kunzi chinja uku kune zvinhu zvinobva zvauya nhasi chaiye,” he said.

“Uku uri kunzi chinja rudzi rwako. Toona varikumhanyira kuvarungu — rako ganda rinopinduka richiva jena, ravo richipinduka kuva dema? Chiratidza tione uzvichinjeka iwe tione. Hunhu hwedu hauchinjwe.”

President Mugabe said the number of rape cases was increasing, urging mothers to look after their children to avoid such cases.

He reiterated the need for the nation to remain united and shun violence before, during and after the harmonised elections.

“Hatidi mheremhere. Tinoda runyararo, runyararo, runyararo,” he said.

“VaTsvangirai varikuparidzawo runyararo zvakanaka zvazvo asi vana vavo ndovane pamuromo ndovavanosungirwa kuranga vave neruzivo kuti Zimbabwe inoda runyararo. Vote yako ndoyaunokwanisa kurwisa chausingade.”

He castigated Finance Minister Tendai Biti for failing to utilise the $500 million availed to Zimbabwe by the International Monetary Fund to revamp distressed companies.

He said Zanu PF would ensure that all distressed companies were revamped to create employment for the youths.

President Mugabe paid tribute to the people for coming out in their thousands saying it showed they were concerned about their future and had woken up in a bid to reverse the mistakes of 2008.

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