Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Pan-African Journal: Special Worldwide Radio Broadcast for Sun. Aug. 2, 2015--Hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe 
Listen to this special edition of the Pan-African Journal hosted by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire.

To hear this broadcast just click on the website below:

During the broadcast we will feature our regular PANW reports with dispatches involving developments on the four-year aftermath of the imperialist-engineered war of regime-change in the North African state of Libya; also a Memphis police officer was shot dead yesterday just two weeks after an African American was killed during a traffic stop; a Cincinnati police officer has been indicted for murder after shooting an African American during a routine traffic stop.

In the second hour we continue our focus on Black August, a monthlong tribute to the resistance of African people against slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism. This segment presents a 1968 lecture by Hosea Williams, a leading member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), who speaks on the Poor People's Campaign of that year.

The final hour looks at the contributions of Blanche K. Bruce, a Mississippi politician and US Senator who served during the period of Reconstruction in the late 1870s and early 1880s.

Bruce was the first African American to serve a full term in the Senate. He died in Washington, D.C. in 1898 at the age of 57.

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