Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ballistic Rocket-Launching Drill
In March 2016, in a critical situation in which a nuclear war was about to break out on the Korean peninsula, a ballistic rocket-launching drill of the KPA Strategic Force was conducted in combination with the mobile operations for judging its actual capability of fighting a war.

Kim Jong Un oversaw the drill.

Western-front strike units, led by the commander of the KPA Strategic Force, moved swiftly to a launching site upon a sudden order by the Supreme Headquarters and demonstrated their constant readiness for action and mobility.

At the commander’s order to fire, ballistic rockets blasted off with thunderous explosions breaking the silence.

The rockets struck the virtual ports of the enemy where the foreign forces of aggression would land, by blasting at a fixed height over the target.

Through this drill, the combat efficiency of the Western-front strike units of the Strategic Force was clearly demonstrated. This showed what the KPA’s military countermeasure would be like.

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