Sunday, March 03, 2019

Heinous Crimes Against Human Morality
March 1 a century ago was a historic day when the Korean people fully demonstrated their strong spirit, indomitable mettle and ardent patriotism for winning back their country lost by the Japanese imperialists and achieving its independence and sovereignty.

The deep-rooted grudge and anger of the Korean people who were subjected to contempt, maltreatment and harsh repression under the colonial fascist rule of the Japanese imperialists exploded into the all-people uprising.

However, the Japanese imperialists ruthlessly broke up the March First Popular Uprising by committing their repressive forces, while branding it as “violent gathering” and “riot.” Their heinous crimes against human morality still remain etched in the minds of the Korean people as an indelible scar.

They massacred in cold blood the peaceful demonstrators shouting “Long live the independence of Korea!”, shooting, bayoneting, beating and burning them to death.

Their atrocities were so horrible that even a Japanese scholar said that the Japanese were dead set on committing appalling barbarities and the Japanese gendarmerie bayoneted old persons, women and children and hanged them to death.

The police bureau of the Japanese government-general in Korea presented to its superior the following “civil administration written report No. 9 on the uprising” (March 1-10), which read: Over 50 000 men and 1 000 women arrested, over 10 000 men, 300 women and 300 children killed, and over 50 000 men and 1 000 women wounded.

It is a good deal understated figure by the Japanese imperialists.

Such international laws as Regulation No. 5 of the Tokyo Tribunal and Regulation No. 6 of the Nurnberg Tribunal stipulate the massacre as an A-class crime to be surely punished no matter whether it was committed before a war or during a war and no matter whether it was against local laws or not.

The scars Japan inflicted on the Korean people, crying out the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”, will remain unhealed in their minds, no matter how much water has flown under the bridge.

The Korean people will surely make Japan pay for their blood a thousandfold.

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