Wednesday, April 10, 2019

China is Helping European Integration
By Li Qingqing
Global Times
2019/4/10 20:07:17

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang paid an official visit to Croatia on Tuesday. During his visit, Li will also attend the eighth leaders' meeting of China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) (16+1) in Dubrovnik.

However, within the EU, the 16+1 cooperation mechanism is highly controversial. Some European countries, especially "Old Europe," believe that the mechanism is harming the unity of the EU. Some even say that China has been luring the 16 CEECs with money. According to The Diplomat magazine, there are those who say China is "affecting the unity of the EU, undermining high-level standards, and exercising a negative influence on EU members and potential members' strategic choices."

It is not China that is harming the EU's unity, but the ideological trend of opposing and distrusting integration that has emerged in Europe. European integration has stalled in recent years, and some people are using it to blame China.

Europe suffers from an imbalance in development and lacks motivation for integration, but this is not China's fault. To be specific, Europe is divided due to many historical reasons, such as the continent's history, rugged terrain, various cultures and diverse languages. It would be ridiculous to declare that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), or any other external factor, is the reason for the divided continent. Europe has divided itself.

Europe's development has long been imbalanced, and the rift between Western and Eastern Europe runs deep. Western Europe, which has been more prosperous and stable than CEECs, has a long history of free trade and market system. As "Old Europe" cannot help "New Europe" to synchronize in development and narrow their economic gap, it is reasonable that "New Europe" has chosen to cooperate with outsiders. China has the ability and willingness to provide new opportunities.

The BRI has helped European integration, because improving Eastern Europe's economy and connectivity will undoubtedly promote European countries' cooperation. The 16+1 cooperation mechanism can act as an important platform to synergize the BRI. "CEE countries and China, 17 of us altogether, form a palette more colorful and diverse than a rainbow. If we can turn 16+1 cooperation into a colorful bridge linking Asia and Europe, we will create an ever brighter future for all of us," Premier Li said ahead of his visit in an article published in Croatia's local newspapers.

It is understandable that Europe is hesitant and doubtful when facing a rising China. But China should not be blamed for Europe's own problems. Europe should cooperate with China to resolve the problems that hinder European integration. This may turn out to be the right choice for Europe.

China proposed the BRI and provided the reciprocal 16+1 cooperation mechanism for the CEECs to catch up with Western Europe. Even China, a country outside the continent, is putting efforts into narrowing the gap inside Europe. Why can't some Europeans countries cast off their suspicious minds and help CEECs develop and promote European integration? 

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