Friday, March 13, 2020

China ‘Turning the Tide’ Against Coronavirus, President Xi Claims
Morning Star, London

Chinese President Xi Jinping talks by video with patients and medical workers at the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province

CHINESE President Xi Jinping said that the prevention and control measures implemented by the government have led the country to “turn the tide” in the fight against the coronavirus.

He made the statement following the news that there had been a significant drop in new confirmed cases.

Health authorities reported just 15 new cases and 11 additional deaths yesterday, a dramatic fall from the thousands of new cases being reported daily last month.

So far China has recorded 80,793 cases of infection and 3,169 deaths.

China’s National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng told a briefing in Beijing today that the peak of the outbreak in the country was “generally over.”

The country would stick with its prevention and control efforts firmly, he added.

Chinese government senior medical adviser Zhong Nanshan said that if countries took the coronavirus seriously and followed medical advice then the outbreak could be over by June.

Earlier this week Mr Xi visited Wuhan in Hubei province, the centre of the coronavirus outbreak, in a sign that the situation was improving.

He called for “firm, solid and meticulous prevention and control efforts” to defend the region.

Mr Xi praised the people of Wuhan for demonstrating the “strength and spirit of China,” enabling them to stick together.

The positive trend in epidemic control could not have been achieved without their sacrifice, devotion and efforts, he said.

Frontline medical workers were described as “messengers of light and hope,” with Mr Xi calling them “the most admirable people in the new era.”

“Initial success has been achieved in stabilising the situation and turning the tide,” he said.

The country’s response to the virus was “a test” for China’s system and capacity for governance with lessons that must be learned, he insisted.

The number of coronavirus infections continue to rise in Iran where 1,075 new cases were reported today.

This brought the total number of people infected to 10,075 according to Health Minister Saeed Namaki.

Iranian officials demanded on Wednesday that the US lifted the “crippling food and drug import sanctions.”

The government said that the embargo was hindering its ability to respond effectively to the outbreak.

Speaker of the Iranian parliament Ali Larijani called on the international community to pressure US President Donald Trump to lift the embargo which he said “clearly violates the UN charter and that of the World Health Organisation.”

Foreign Minister Javid Zarif hit out at the US sanctions on Saturday, branding them a form of “medical terrorism.”

At the time of writing there had been 129,771 confirmed cases globally and 4,791 deaths, a figure which is set to rise.

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