Thursday, September 10, 2020

Five Members of US Congress Ask Pompeo Not to Cut Aid to Ethiopia


September 4, 2020 

Five members of the United States House of Representatives urged Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to cut aid to Ethiopia.

Jason Crow, Joyce Beatty, Ilhar Omar, Colin Z. Allred and Gerald E. Connolly urged Mr. Pompeop to halt any foreign aid cuts to Ethiopia. 

The letter came in the wake of an announcement from the US State Department to cut $130 million aid to Ethiopia in connection with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam negotiation. In February 2020, Ethiopia left the US-brokered negotiation in Washington DC after the United States took a position to support Egypt costing Ethiopia’s national interest.  

The five  US Congress  members also asked the US “to pursue a strategy of impartial mediation to resolve the regional dispute.” 

Letter to Mr. Mike Pompeo is below :

September 3, 2020

The Honorable Mike Pompeo 


Department of State 

2201 C St. NW 

Washington, DC 20520 

Dear Secretary Pompeo: 

We write to you with grave concerns over the reported cuts to U.S. foreign assistance to  Ethiopia. Any such cuts would not only serve to degrade our relationship with a trusted partner  but also undermine our position as an honest broker in the fragile ongoing negotiations between  Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). 

The construction of the GERD is the product of years of small dollar donations and advanced  engineering by the Ethiopian people. The project is a point of national pride for Ethiopians and  holds the potential to stimulate economic growth in the region by providing assured access to  electricity to millions of Ethiopians. The 6,000 megawatts of power the dam is projected to  generate will revolutionize the Ethiopian grid and make Ethiopia the largest exporter of  electricity in Africa. 

The U.S.-Ethiopian relationship dates back more than a hundred years and have resulted in a  diaspora of more than a quarter of a million Ethiopians living in the United States. Our foreign  assistance programs in Ethiopia are predominantly humanitarian initiatives focused on  addressing healthcare and food insecurity needs, however Ethiopia is also a critical security  partner in the region. They are key contributors to the African Union Mission in Somalia and an  invaluable ally in combating terrorist groups like al-Shabab. Cuts to U.S. foreign assistance to  Ethiopia would run contrary to U.S. interests in the region and would degrade the strong  relationship that our two nations have cultivated over the last century. 

We recognize that the controversies surrounding the GERD — including Nile water rights for  upstream countries — are exceedingly complex. However, the Administration’s reported cuts to  foreign assistance clearly favor one side in a manner that betrays our nation’s commitment to  being an impartial observer, undermines Ethiopia’s sovereignty, and subverts the work of African  Union diplomats. We believe that the United States must stay true to our commitment to being  an independent mediator for this dispute in order to ensure an amicable resolution.

Therefore, we request that you halt any cuts in foreign assistance to Ethiopia and pursue a  strategy of impartial mediation to resolve regional disputes related to the Grand Ethiopian  Renaissance Dam. 

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