Thursday, February 11, 2021

Let’s Put More Effort into Covid-19 Fight

12 FEB, 2021 - 00:02 

Tendai Rupapa Senior Reporter


ZIMBABWEANS must put more effort to suppress Covid-19 transmissions, minimise its impact on health systems, social services and contribute to saving lives, First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has said.

In an impassioned statement to the nation yesterday, the First Lady, who is the country’s health ambassador, said Covid-19 had brought about severe disruptions to daily lives and brought about “economic hardships and loss of our dear ones.”

“Let us put effort to suppress transmission, minimise the impact of the pandemic on our health systems, social services and economic activities and contribute to saving lives by staying at home unless it’s really necessary to venture out, social distancing, avoid social gatherings, masking up all the times if you are in public and regular washing of our hands with soap and sanitising,” she said.

She said it was critical to remember that Covid-19 is real and still a serious threat.

“This pandemic has brought about challenges of not going to work, not visiting each other, not greeting, life difficulties, illnesses and death. The pandemic has shown what needs to be done to cure it and this is what I implore every one of us to do.

“It has stopped people from gathering, attending funerals, going to church. As a mother, I urge everyone to carry a piece of soap each time they leave the home. Always assess as to whether or not your reason for leaving the home is absolutely necessary.”

Amai Mnangagwa said social distancing was critical to observe even when boarding public transport like Zupco buses.

“You have seen me as a mother encouraging and even praying for God’s help because the pandemic is with us. We wake up with it and are living with it. We do not know when it will disappear, but let us follow what is needed to survive and proceed with our families and loved ones.”

The First Lady has been at the forefront of creating nationwide awareness on the pandemic and has even risked her own life by visiting all parts of the country to give everyone access to information on how to prevent the pandemic.

Through her Angel of Hope Foundation, she has also mobilised resources like masks, sanitisers, food and toiletries to ease the plight of vulnerable members of society.

She has also been tackling domestic violence, cases of juvenile delinquency and child marriages which have reared their ugly head during the lockdown period.

Recently, she called on women to join her in three days of prayer and fasting for divine intervention to end Covid-19 related deaths in Zimbabwe.

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