Thursday, February 11, 2021

Sudanese Army Officer Killed in New Attack by Ethiopian Troops

February 9, 2021 (GEDAREF) - Ethiopian forces from the Amhara region killed a Sudanese military officer in a new attack on a monitoring military unit in the border area on Monday.

The new assault on the Sudanese army is part of the regular attacks carried out by the Ethiopian forces since last year.

Military sources told the Sudan Tribune reporters in the area that a unit of the 17th Division of the Sudanese army was ambushed by the Ethiopian force in Jebel Halawa area between the states of Sennar and Gedaref.

The Sudanese military intelligence noted the deployment of heavily-armed Ethiopian troops coming from the Amhara region in the border area near the Dinder resort in Sennar state.

The attack took place after a visit to Sudan by Pekka Haavisto Finnish Foreign Minister and EU envoy to discuss with the Sudanese government officials ways to end the standoff between the two countries.

Haavisto who worked in Sudan ten years ago, also visited Um Rakuba refugee camp in the Gedaref state to inspect the humanitarian situation of the refugees who fled from the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia.

In a tweet posted on Tuesday, the Finnish top diplomat said he heard refugees testimonies about the situation in Tigray.

"Concerning reports about human rights violations," he said before to add "Humanitarian needs are immense access must be guaranteed to affected areas".


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