Thursday, August 19, 2021

Youth Renew Commitment to Thwart Proxy War in Ethiopia

August 19, 2021


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian youth drawn from all corners of the country have dealt with current issues in the country stressing their move in unison more than ever before as Ethiopia is fighting not only with the terrorist TPLF, but it is also confronting the soft and hard powers of some foreign forces in the form of proxy.

Some 400 youth yesterday discussed various issues regarding the origins and solutions of the country’s current challenges.

Opening the discussion, State Minister for the Center for Democratic Building Coordination, Musa Mohammed said that the conflict in Ethiopia is between the real change actors and those who stand against it with their external masters.

There is still wrong perception in the West for considering Ethiopia and Africa as well as land of cannibalism according to the Fredrik Hegel’s thoughts that couldn’t totally match for a country like Ethiopia which has never been colonized and with its own unique and indigenous knowledge.

Thus, the youth must understand this fact and work towards correcting it, the Minister stressed.

Aklilu Tadesse, Vice President of the Prosperity Youth League, said Ethiopia should be more united than ever in view of its current situation, and the TPLF terrorist group’s actions over the past 30 years have been a source of frustration for Ethiopia.

Over the years, the terrorist TPLF’s skepticism and misrepresentation has left one another in a state of suspicion following the hatred policy and divide and rule fashion rampant in Ethiopia so far.

He said, “We must all support the struggle for survival and make synergy with a view to burying the terrorist deep for good. The West is currently trying to put pressure on Ethiopia seeking a lapdog administration in the country. With the advent of a non-negotiable government and the way Ethiopia has gone to unite the region (Horn) in all fields, the West has laid its hands on us; the solution, he said, is to stand together and show them firm unity and fraternity.”

It is also important to maintain our unity, not to be exposed to false propaganda, to be vigilant, to not underestimate the enemy, to be effective in all our endeavors, and to make our voices heard loud in various ways.

During the campaign, the youths were also requested to discharge their responsibilities by supporting and joining the defense forces.

Participants in the discussion said that they are ready to fight the terrorist group and urged citizens to address the challenges fortifying unity and prioritizing the country and its people first.

The Ethiopian Herald August 19/2021

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