Friday, February 11, 2022

Committee Denounces Malinowski’s Anti- Ethiopia Bill

February 11, 2022 

ADDIS ABABA— The American-Ethiopian Public Affairs Committee (AEPAC) denounced the bill that has been proposed by congressman Malinowski to exert sanctions against Ethiopia and cease investment supports in the country.

As to the press release of the committee following the TPLF’s defeat and back to Tigray, though federal government has taken significant steps towards peace including army operation cease at the borders of Tigray, offering amnesty for several TPLF leaders and creating a national dialogue, the representative has introduced a bill that threaten the country.

The committee chairperson Mesfin Tegenu said, “We are extremely disappointed and saddened to see this Bill published by Representative Malinowski, good for nothing except harming Ethiopia and its people. Instead the representative should encourage the positive measures that have been commenced to restore peace.”

Opposing the bill, the chairperson said that the representative wants to cripple Ethiopia’s economy and fuel tensions as well as it doesn’t reflect the realities on the ground and sides the terrorist TPLF, and it will adversely affect the century-old diplomatic relationship between Ethiopia and the United States.

The committee called on the international community to support peace in Ethiopia through condemning TPLF and urging it to stop offensive acts in Afar and Amhara states and supporting the national dialogue commission in order to secure a lasting peace in the country.

The committee also urged international community to support the joint recommendation of the two UN and Ethiopia Human Rights Commission in November 2021.

The committee further stated that the one-million strong Ethiopian-American communities will get their voices heard. “We will do all we can to oppose this bill and we call on friends of Ethiopia to support our campaign.”

Politician Neamin Zeleke on his part said that Some US Congress members are desperate to save terrorist TPLF, while the entire world knows the TPLF’s terror, massive destruction and genocidal move when invaded Afar and Amhara states and displaced over two million people from their homes.

He called on citizens to collaborate to restore peace in the country through preventing this bill.

The representative, who launched the anti-Ethiopia bill HR6600 to give diplomatic cover for terrorist TPLF group is under investigation by Office of Congressional Ethics for corruption on alleged illegal stock trades, it was learnt.



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