Saturday, February 12, 2022

Sudan Slams Tweets by Troika Diplomats over Arrest of FFC Leaders

Building of the foreign ministry in Khartoum

February 10, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The foreign ministry on Thursday condemned tweets by the ambassadors of the Troika countries and described their statements as “blatant interference in Sudan’s internal affairs”.

The U.S., UK and Norway diplomats in Khartoum condemned the arrest of two leading members of the Forces and Freedom Forces (FFC) saying this move would hamper the ongoing efforts to settle the ongoing crisis triggered by the coup of October 25, 2021.

In a statement Thursday, the foreign ministry said it had “noted with astonishment tweets that lacked tact and diplomatic prudence issued by some ambassadors accredited to Sudan in connection with the arrest of two Sudanese citizens under the provisions of the applicable national laws”.

“This is a blatant interference in Sudan’s internal affairs and contrary to diplomatic norms and practices,” stressed the statement.

Tahir Abu Haja, Media Adviser of the Head of the Sovereign Council said that the former cabinet minister and the prominent member of the Empowerment Removal Committee (EMC) are facing criminal charges related to public funds, without elaborating.

Abu Haja said they cannot be released before disbursing public money without disclosing the reason for their arrest.

Before his arrest, ERC member Wagdi Salih said he was charged with misappropriating entrusted funds under Article 177-2 of the penal code, following a lawsuit filed by the finance ministry.

The defence team of the detained political leaders handed over a memo requesting their immediate release pointing to procedural and substantive flaws in the arrest.

The ERC was criticised by many detractors but no one accused them of breach of trust.

EU, Troika reiterate codemnation

The Troika, the European Union, Canada and Switzerland issued a joint statement to condemn the arrest of the political opponents and called for their immediate release.

“We condemn this harassment and intimidation on the part of Sudan’s military authorities,” reads the joint statement.

“This is wholly inconsistent with their stated commitment to participate constructively in a facilitated process to resolve Sudan’s political crisis to return to a democratic transition,” stressed the statement.

The joint statement further calls to end the targeting of political leaders, civil society activists, journalists, and humanitarian workers.

“We remind Sudan’s military authorities of their obligations to respect the human rights and guarantee the safety of those detained or arrested and the need to ensure that due process is consistently followed in all cases,” said the statement.

General al-Burhan several times reassured western diplomats of his commitment to achieve democratic reforms, including the security sector reforms, and prepare for elections.

However, the military leader restored the former repressive security agency and reinstated the Islamist cadres who were part of the former regime casting doubts on his real intentions.


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