Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ethio-Russia Relations: Historic to Serve Mutual Benefits

December 10, 2022

Ethiopia is undertaking peaceful and cooperative relationships almost with all countries. It created and has kept up long-standing relations with some countries of which Russia is the one. The meeting of the Ethio-Russia joint ministerial commission held for three days here in Addis recently recommended ways to cooperate in the fields of mining, energy, trade, education, health, agriculture, industry and tourism.

True, mutual benefit is a master key for sustainable relations between two countries. The Ethio-Russian relations can be taken as exemplary in this regard which needs good care to its better flourishing.

The relations sustained up to now regardless of different political tempos of different regimes of both countries in different times. However, Russia has taken several stances in favor of Ethiopia when it stood alone in the venue of the world. For instance, The Soviet Union was one of only five nations which refused to acknowledge Italy’s occupation of Ethiopia earlier to World War II when Italy attempted to colonize Ethiopia.

Besides, earlier to the second invasion of Italy against Ethiopia during the battle of Adwa, Russian Red Cross Society helped Ethiopia. Documents indicate that after the main military campaign in the Italian war of 1895-96, the Russian Red Cross Society decided to send a medical mission to Ethiopia, to render medical help to the wounded.

The establishment of Dejazmach Balcha Hospital in Addis Ababa made its foundation on this historical event. As the agreement reached recently, Russia’s support to the hospital will be intensified. In order to improve the service delivery of Dejazmach Balcha Hospital, preparations have been completed for 15 doctors from Russia to come to Ethiopia to provide services and share the experience of the hospital’s medical staff.

 On another instance, when the Somalia government launched an offensive in July 1977 with the intent of capturing Ethiopia’s Ogaden region, the Soviet Union again stood beside Ethiopia via providing armaments and military advisors.

Recently, during the War in the northern part of Ethiopia, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said the issue was an internal affair of Ethiopia and that Russia supported the Ethiopian government’s efforts. The two sides also expressed the need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology.

This stance of Russia and some other friendly countries of Ethiopia defended the country from unnecessary sanctions it could have severely suffered from. All these occurrences at different historical times indicate that the two countries have good relations that ought to be nurtured and further strengthened in all aspects. By the same token, the two countries reached an agreement to augment their relations. They pointed out that this relationship is based on mutual benefit and respect.

Russian relations are not limited to Ethiopia. Rather, it has good relations with other African countries that it wants to intensify more. For a while now, competition among the world powers for influence in Africa has been seen as primarily between the United States and China. But research shows that President Vladimir Putin is intent on tilting the global balance of power in Russia’s favor. To this end, Russia is working on strengthening its relations with the continent.

No matter how, Russian relation with Ethiopia and the rest of Africa must serve mutual benefit and based on equal treatment avoiding master-slave relationships that are seen among some western powers.

The Ethiopian Herald December 10/2022

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