Friday, December 01, 2023

Akosombo Dam Spillage: Richard Novati Catholic Hospital Resumes Operation

By Benjamin Makafui Attipoe 

December 1, 2023

The Richard Novati Catholic Hospital (RNCH) at Sogakope in the South Tongu District of the Volta Region resumes operations on Friday, 1st December 2023, after its six-week closure due to the recent spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams.

The Human Resource Manager (HRM) of the Hospital, Mr. Nelson Kwashie Awudi, disclosed when the Flood Committee of the Tongu Kings and Queens’ Union visited the Comboni School and Hospital enclave to assess the aftermath of the flood disaster on these facilities.

The recent spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams brought the entire Comboni enclave at Sogakope to its knees. Facilities inundated by the flood waters and their subsequent closure included the RNCH, the Comboni Vocational Technical Institute (COMBOTEC), the Comboni R.C. Basic School, and the Quinebeto Memorial R.C. Basic School, all at Sogakope.

The situation displaced more than one hundred (100) nurses and teachers, more than two thousand (2000) students as well as over eight hundred (800) pupils.

The disaster also attracted to the affected community a visit by a high-powered delegation of the Ghana Bishops’ Conference led by the Bishop of the Keta-Akatsi Catholic Diocese, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordjie (SVD). The Bishops’ Conference supported relief efforts within the Comboni fraternity with some Fifty Thousand Ghana Cedis (Ghc50,000.00).

It is against this background that the Flood Committee of the Tongu Kings and Queens’ Union met the management and leaders of the affected institutions to acquaint themselves with the current situation on the ground. The Committee was led by the Paramount Queen mother of the Mafi Traditional Area, Mamaga Sename III. Also present at the meeting was the President of the Union and Paramount Chief of the Sokpoe Traditional Area, Togbega Kadzi Zogah II.

The Principal of COMBOTEC, Mr. Peter Harry Adzimah, as well as the Headteacher of the Sogakope Comboni R.C. Basic Schools, Ms. Rose Edna Asiwome Agbedoe took turns to brief the Flood Committee on the status of their facilities as well as their current needs following the aftermath of the flood disaster.

The HRM of the RNCH, Mr. Nelson Awudi, told our news team in an interview that the hospital would resume operations on Friday, 1st December 2023, with challenges.

According to him, some challenges they have been dealing with amidst efforts to resume operations included inadequate power and water supply issues, the grounding of three hospital vehicles, and funds to renovate the affected hospital quarters for the displaced staff.

Mr. Awudi said that the hospital morgue would be opened at a later date. He explained that the facility would be assessed by engineers to pave the way for its proper functioning again. He used the occasion to appeal to stakeholders and the general public to assist the hospital to continue with quality healthcare services to the people.

The Chairperson of the Flood Committee of the Union, Mamaga Sename III, noted that the disaster has been devastating and pledged the Committee’s support in helping address the challenges resulting from the flood disaster.

The Paramount Chief of the Sokpoe Traditional Area, Togbega Kadzi Zogah II, empathized with the students and staff of the impacted facilities. It encouraged them not to be disillusioned, adding that there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Togbega Zogah stressed the need for unity among the citizens to attract the needed development to the entire Tongu State.

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