Friday, December 01, 2023

'Israel' Kills 60 Palestinians Hours After the Truce Expired

By Al Mayadeen English

"Israel" has so far killed at least 60 Palestinians, including medics and journalists, just hours after the truce between the Resistance and the Israeli occupation ended.

"Israel" killed 60 Palestinians, including medics and journalists, just hours after the truce between Gaza and the occupation ended.

On Friday, "Israel" launched a new series of attacks following the end of the temporary ceasefire, forcing Palestinians in Gaza out of their homes and into hospitals, amid scores of Palestinians martyred and injured. 

The Israeli aggression resumed immediately after an agreement to extend the truce failed to be reached. Southern cities in Rafah and Khan Younis were targeted by "Israel" this morning, resulting in multiple deaths and losses, as reported by AFP and hospital officials. 

Palestinian testimonies as 'Israel' strikes them again

Palestinian victim testimonies were recorded by AFP. One blood-covered woman, Amal Abu Dagga, cried as her children went missing. "I don't even know what happened to my children," she said.

Her relative, Jamil Abu Dagga, told AFP that the family had been at home when "Israel" began its targeted attacks.

"My house was destroyed, so was my neighbor's," he said from the Nasser Medical Complex where his wounds were being treated. 

Another family member, Anas Abu Dagga, 22, said the "war has returned, even more fierce."

10-year-old Lina Hamdan recounted, "As we were preparing to sleep, a bomb went off, and my brothers began screaming."

In Rafah, a young man hurriedly carried a severely injured child from a refugee camp that had been struck by an Israeli bomb, while others were seen extracting a corpse from the debris.

Marwan al-Hams, the director of Al-Najar Hospital in Rafah, disclosed that the Israeli airstrikes had killed at least nine people in the city, four of whom were children. Many Palestinians sought refuge in Rafah after "Israel" instructed them to evacuate the northern part of the territory.

In the northern Gaza Strip, a substantial strike was visible from the "Sderot" settlement across the border. An AFPTV live-cam broadcasted rolling clouds of grey smoke and the sounds of automatic gunfire within the initial 90 minutes following the expiration of the truce.

UNICEF Spokesperson James Elder, speaking from an undisclosed hospital in Gaza in a video posted on X, reported a bomb landing "literally 50 meters away." He emphasized the severe reduction in hospital capacity, expressing concern about the increasing number of children with war-related injuries such as burns, shrapnel wounds, and broken bones. Elder characterized the situation as a "war on children."

Marwa Saleh, a 47-year-old, fled her home in Gaza City during the initial phase of the conflict, seeking refuge in Khan Younis. Distressed by the renewed bombardments, she asserted, "My family and I are civilians, and we have no involvement in this war. I don't want to die, and I don't want to lose anyone."

The Resistance fights back

After the truce between "Israel" and the Palestinian Resistance saw no extension, the Israeli occupation resumed its aggression on the Gaza Strip, amid fierce confrontations between Resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces on several fronts.

Martyr Omar al-Qassem Forces confirmed that its Resistance fighters targeted the invading Israeli occupation forces in al-Shalehat area west of Gaza City with mortar shells.

Local sources reported fierce confrontations between Resistance fighters and Israeli occupation forces in al-Tawam area northwest of Gaza, coinciding with reports of sirens sounding in the Gaza envelope settlements.

Al Mayadeen's correspondent also reported about violent confrontations in Beit Hanoun, north of the Strip, as well as in Tal al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City.

Palestinian Resistance fighters confronted advancing Israeli occupation tanks northwest of Gaza in the Sheikh Radwan area, coinciding with confrontations in al-Mughraqa and northern Gaza simultaneous with Israeli shelling targeting the northwest of the Strip.

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