Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Resistance Will Not Compromise Any of its Non-negotiables: Hamas Off

By Al Mayadeen English

5 Mar 2024 19:14

The representative of the Hamas movement in Lebanon says that the Resistance is keen on an honorable deal, stressing that it will not give up stopping the aggression and achieving its conditions.

The Hamas representative in Lebanon, Ahmad Abdel Hadi, affirmed on Tuesday that the suggestions put forward by Hamas in negotiations stem from two non-negotiables: stopping the aggression on Gaza, and effectuating the Resistance's conditions. 

Abdel Hadi told Al Mayadeen that the Cairo negotiations were an extension of negotiations that took place in Doha a few days prior and discussions regarding what had been suggested during the Paris 2 talks. Hamas acknowledged that there are significant differences between the suggestions proposed and the conditions Hamas demanded, he added. 

He proceeded to say that Hamas went to Cairo to allegorize its primary demands but highlighted its positive attitude and flexibility, adding that it would not compromise or dismiss any of them. 

Regarding Hamas' non-negotiables, he clarified the first must be the end of the aggression on Gaza, the ethnic cleansing and massacring of Palestinians, and the starvation war imposed by "Israel". Second, the necessity of including Hamas' primary demands and conditions in any deal. 

Abdel Hadi also updated Al Mayadeen on the path of negotiations, saying they were proceeding within the same climate but were simultaneously seeing obstacles imposed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also disengaging in the Paris 2 talks. 

However, he stressed that the Cairo negotiations are ongoing with Hamas submitting its proposal, but it has become clear that "Israel" wants to revoke the captives card from the hands of the Resistance, confirming that Netanyahu does not want to establish any deal because this would kickstart the end of his political career. Abel Hadi further clarified that this is the primary reason why he has been trying to obstruct negotiations, prolonging the war, and expanding it regionally.

In this context, Abdel Hadi stressed that the ball is now in Washington’s court and that it is up to them to pressure Netanyahu in the negotiations.

He concluded that the Resistance is keen on an honorable deal, but noted that if the Americans and the Israelis do not comply with what it proposes, then it would only be concerned with defending the Palestinian people, confirming that it is as strong as ever, and holds the upper hand on the battlefield. 

Updates on Negotiations

A few days ago, a senior Palestinian Resistance source said ceasefire negotiations are being stalled by "Israel," and it is clear to mediators that Israelis and Netanyahu are intentionally disrupting any serious negotiations.

The source told Al Mayadeen that Israeli media was spreading misinformation about the discussions, adding that promoting erroneous information is part of a larger narrative that favors Netanyahu's political interests.

The source explained that Netanyahu opposes discussions that result in a deal that guarantees disengagement from the Gaza Strip, return of the displaced, reconstruction, and the lifting of the siege.

Sources in the leadership of the Palestinian Resistance also revealed to Al Mayadeen some of the key details in the ongoing mediated negotiations between the Resistance and the Israeli occupation on Sunday. 

The framework for a deal consists of three stages, where the details and clauses behind each stage will be negotiated separately. The duration of the proposed truce ranges between 40 and 45 days each, our sources confirmed.

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