Thursday, March 11, 2010

Detroit Town Hall Meeting on the Unemployment Crisis: Fight For a Public Jobs Program NOW!, Sat. March 27

For Immediate

Media Advisory

Event: Town Hall Meeting on the Unemployment Crisis, Sat., March 27, 1:00-3:00pm
Location: Central United Methodist Church, 23 E. Adams, at Woodward, Downtown
Contact: 313.680.5508
URL: or

Detroit Town Hall to Speak Out for Jobs Now!: Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the WPA

At the height of the Great Depression of the 1930s, President Roosevelt created the Works Progress Administration (WPA) on April 8, 1935. The WPA put over 8 million unemployed people to work directly.

Today, 2010, with tens of million of workers--especially youth--unemployed, we need a real, public jobs program, NOW! We can't wait for some imaginary future jobs from the banks and corporations who have already been bailed out with trillions of our tax dollars.

The government can and must open hiring halls in every neighborhood and get people back to work. In the 1930s, the Detroit WPA built Western High School and City Airport and upgraded the Detroit Zoo among many other projects. There is plenty that needs doing immediately in Detroit--repairing roads and bridges, cleaning parks, insulating and fixing up thousands of vacant homes so no one is homeless or without heat.

The Full Employment Act makes it the government's duty to put everyone to work--it's the law! Let's organize and tell the politicians--A REAL, PUBLIC JOBS PROGRAM NOW!

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