Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Translation of Mr. Senfo Tonkam’s Interview with Le Messager, Focused on the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon 
September 13, 2018
by Edouard Kingue

Senfo Tonkam, a name which left a mark on the memory of a whole generation. What has become of you? Have the heroes succumbed to fatigue?

I am an exile and political refugee in Babylon-Germany.

Thank you for your appreciation, my Brother, but we are not yet “heroes” or “sheroes” because we have not yet succeeded in liberating Africa from her foreign oppressors and their local stooges. But by the power of our Ancestresses and Ancestors that moment is fast approaching.

In the 90’s you had sought to change Cameroon. Did Cameroon change you?

No, nothing nor anybody could change me because the situation of the country and that of Africa as well as the condition of Black People throughout the world has worsened. Consequently, I will never change. On the contrary, I have become more revolutionary, more committed and more determined than ever before. Most people would call that, “radical“, I say “Ancestral’’.

The terminology which you have since adopted is far removed from the normal. You speak about panafricanist, Kemet, franco-fool, Anglo-fool, progressive masses, and revolutionary Kemitic activists. We are way beyond the Cameroonian context….what has not worked?

Yes, I emphasize and confirm that I firmly denounce and condemn the francofoolishness and anglofoolishness as well as the cameroonofoolishness and ambazofoolishness. In fact, these are the reactionary and neocolonial postures adopted by the francofool and anglofool bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie of the country in order to impose their class interests, enjoy their egoistic privileges, claim, fight for and exercise power while taking the Kemetic people hostage.

That this language seems strange is not surprising in a context of mental slavery in which we, as a people are accustomed to using categories, concepts, theories and words imposed on us by the Western barbarians and oppressors when we speak about ourselves and the world. Unless and until our politicons, intellectuals, artists, activists, journalists, businesswomen and businessmen, male and female workers, peasants, herders, in short, the whole of the African masses stop using these anti-African terminologies, we will never understand anything about the reality of this world and our problems. And consequently, we will never succeed in liberating ourselves and rebuilding Africa.

What is your position on the upcoming presidential elections in Cameroon? Do you have any preference among the vying candidates?

No, no! I recall that in July already, in an interview on a website of one of your media colleagues, I made a strong appeal to the people for a boycott of these elections. I seize the opportunity of this interview to renew my call for a massive boycott of the electoral masquerade of October 7.

I strongly reiterate my appeal on my Kemetic Sisters and Brothers, not to register on the con-lists of Uncle Biya, the mad lion, and to stay home on October 7. With such a clear position, it is obvious that I have no preference for any of the candidates, especially because their participation in the elections will be a legitimization of Dictator Uncle Biya. So, instead of wasting our time and energy behind opponents who play the dictator's game, let us focus on the preparation and organizing of the African Revolution that will allow us to send Uncle Biya and his foreign masters into the trash can of history and take back possession and control of our country, our lands, our wealth, our labor, our culture, our souls and our future.

The departure of Biya seems to be the favorite theme of some. Will it solve the Cameroonian problem? What will happen the day after Biya?

Dictator Biya must go! On this point, there must be no doubt, no ambiguities. Indeed, it must be understood that the problem of Africa is Western imperialism, and comprador elites and corrupt, stupid and lazy dictators, thieves, criminals such as Biya are its products, stooges and puppets. So, if you want to free the country from foreign oppression, you have to chase Biya away. But at the same time, if you want to make sure that other Biyas, Ahidjos, Mobutus, Bongo, Houphouets, Senghors and company never come back, we as African masses must also drive out the foreign oppressors who made them and imposed them on us. Then, we have to rebuild the country on the basis of the principles, values and ideals of our Ancestresses and Ancestors (as stipulated in the principle of the Maat), so that the foreign barbarians can never put us back in chains and impose lackeys like Uncle Biya and Co upon us again.

What will happen the day after Biya? Good question. If the revolution is well done, the foreign masters of Biya will go with him; then, we will be able to rebuild the country and Africa for the well-being of our Great People. But if the revolution is half-done or badly done, foreign predators will again impose another stooge who will defend their interests and help them continue to plunder the country and exploit our people, as Uncle Biya does today and as Uncle Ahidjo did yesterday.

The Anglophone problem is a hot potato with or without the current president. What are your recommendations on how to resolve this crisis?

First, I must recall that me, I never identify and I never define our people with or through the racist, colonial and neocolonial mis-identities and categories that have been imposed on us by our foreign rapists, enslavers and perpetrators of genocides. So, when tribalist elites are nostalgic of the colonial chains and want to replay slave roles, and take the country hostage of their madness as cultural alienated fellows, we must leave them alone in their curse but vow to remove them.

Indeed, those who, in the name of hypocritical territorial integrity and demagogic national unity, are supporting the criminal dictator Biya in his brutal persecution and bloody repression of the Sisters and Brothers of the Southwest and Northwest (I call this group the ‘cameroonofools’) must understand that they are complicit in his crimes without succeeding in saving this country, simply  because the intention of Biya the madman is not to maintain the territorial integrity of Kemet, but to destroy the country rather than to see anyone other than himself or his son ruling it.

On the other hand, we have those who want us to believe that a form of neocolonialism is so good and happy that they are right to demonize their Sisters and Brothers who have had the misfortune of being enslaved by other masters, to reject and put them in the same basket with a regime of which they are the victims and not the beneficiaries, and who are honored to be killed and think they have the legitimacy to kill to become again the slaves of the 'good' masters (I call this group the 'ambazofools'). They will have to take on the historical responsibility of having helped Biya to strengthen his power. Indeed, while he was hated and rejected by everyone, the ambazofools have succeeded in making him appear and posture as the defender of the country’s territorial integrity and national unity.

Thus, today, one is forced to note that, contrary to appearances and to their public declarations, the anglofools and francofools of this country (ambazofools and cameroonofools) are in fact the objective allies of Biya and Western neocolonialism against the African people. Faced with this situation, the progressive forces of the country must unite and mobilize to stop these henchmen of western imperialism before it is too late. So, let's continue working to liberate the country and the whole of Africa. Once Uncle dictator Biya is ousted and his Western masters gone, we will solve all the problems of the country and of the Continent in national and African peace, harmony, solidarity and unity.
The House Of Babylonian Captivity
Tel: (+49) 176 45979615

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