Tuesday, October 18, 2022

GERD Showcases Ethiopia’s Vision for Mutual Growth: Aregawi Berhe

October 18, 2022


ADDIS ABABA– The construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has manifested the country’s desire to connect the region through electricity and its belief in mutual growth, Aregawi Berhe (PhD) said.

Approached by local media, Aregawi, the Director-General of the Office of the National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation on the Construction of GERD, stated that the mega dam was designed in the way to embrace Ethiopia’s neighbors. The dam is also expected to contribute a great share for Ethiopia’s regional economic integration vision by generating electricity without disrupting the water share of the Nile low riparian countries.

Noting the GERD is nearing completion, the director-general highlighted that the electricity that has been generated from the two turbines has not significantly harmed downstream countries’ water share. “Once the dam is fully operational, neighboring countries will access electricity at fair price and the situation will transform the region to cooperation and address suspicion.”

“The GERD is a game changer project and the people of Ethiopia have built the dam without any foreign support.”

The operation of the two turbines of the GERD has also created a great expectation in changing the livelihoods of the rural community and the project is a source of pride and hope for all Ethiopians and Africans at large, he emphasized.

The Ethiopian Herald 18 October 2022

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