Friday, June 07, 2024

Encouraging Women to Pursue Political Leadership Despite Societal Criticisms

By Aminu Ibrahim 

June 6, 2024

The Deputy Upper West Regional Women’s Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), [Madam Khalida M.A. Seidu, has urged women to ignore societal criticisms and take an active interest in politics and political leadership. 

Speaking at the She Leads Inter-generational Dialogue in Wa, she emphasized that women should not let societal norms and allegations hold them back from pursuing their political aspirations.

She encouraged women to pursue education to the highest level, without fear of societal allegations that it may hinder their chances of getting married.

She also discouraged women from using their husbands as an excuse to shy away from politics, emphasizing that they should take the initiative to pursue their political aspirations. 

The dialogue, organized by Community Aid for Rural Development (CARD Ghana) and the Upper West Regional Chapter of the She Leads Social Movement, aimed to inspire girls and young women to take on leadership roles and challenge gender norms that hinder their participation in decision-making processes.

The She Leads Campaign, implemented by CARD Ghana with support from Plan International Ghana, seeks to increase the sustained influence of girls and young women in leadership and decision-making processes. 

The campaign aims to challenge gender and social norms that hinder women’s participation in leadership, and create a supportive environment for girls and young women to assert their rights and pursue their goals.

The Upper West Regional Director of the Department of Gender, Madam Charity Batuure urged women to come out of their confined ‘comfort zones’ and challenge themselves to attain greater feats, including the political space.

She admonished women to invest in their skills by seeking opportunities for further education and continuous learning in order to become exceptional in whatever roles they find themselves.

The President of the Upper West Chapter of the She Leads Social Movement, Madam Felicia Baganiah said the dialogue was aimed that bringing experienced female leaders and rising female leaders and activists to a platform for learning and sharing.

The Acting Executive Director of CARD Ghana, Madam Ernestina Biney said the dialogue aimed to create a platform for uniting the efforts of female leaders and girls and young women (GYWs) in breaking barriers, building bridges, and creating a better future for all.

“To our young leaders, we believe in your potentials and your passion. We see the fire in your eyes and the desire to make a difference, and we are committed to supporting and empowering you to become the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow.

“We will engage in open and honest conversations, share our stories and experiences, and explore the challenges and opportunities of our time,” she indicated.

The dialogue brought together female leaders and girls and young women from various backgrounds, providing a platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and skills. Participants discussed challenges and opportunities in leadership, and explored strategies for overcoming barriers to political participation.

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