Sunday, October 20, 2024

Leaked US Files Detail Preparations for Israeli Strike on Iran

By Al Mayadeen English

Source: News websites

20 Oct 2024 22:44

Top secret documents have revealed the details behind Israeli Air Force preparations for a strike on Iran, which includes dozens of stand-off missiles, including a secret ALBM weapon.

Leaked documents attributed to the American National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), regarding Israeli preparation for an attack on Iran have spurred fear among both American and Israeli officials after the highly sensitive information was made public. 

The agency focuses on providing geospatial intelligence (GEOINT), which can be collected via satellite or aircraft, by the United States Department of Defense.

Documents published by Middle East Spectator, a Telegram Channel focused on Middle East related news, where originally sourced from an alleged whistleblower within the Pentagon, who shared the documents on a private Telegram group. 

Although Middle East Spectator said it is unable to determine the authenticity of the documents, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has confirmed that the American intelligence community is investigating the incident.

"The leak is very concerning. There’s some serious allegations being made there, an investigation underway, and I’ll get a briefing on that in a couple of hours," Johnson told CNN. 

These documents were marked top secret and are marked FVEY (Five Eyes), meaning they are only meant to be viewed by authorities in the US, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. 

So what do the documents entail?

The top secret information details the supposed preparation of the Israeli Air Force for a strike against Iran. 

The first document, published on October 15-16, 2024, is titled "Israel: Air Force Continues Preparation for Strike on Iran and Conducts a Second Large-Force Employment Exercise," and follows up on similar information gathered on October 13, 2024. 

In detail, the Israeli Air Force conducted its second large force employment (LFE) exercise from October 15 to October 16, following up on an LFE exercise conducted on October 13. 

Additionally, the Air Force handeled air-launched ballistic missiles (ALBMs) and conducted cover unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations. 

In this context, 16 Golden Horizon ALBMs and 40 Rocks stand-off air-launched missiles, and other weapons were being handled in the Hatserim Airbase, Ramat David Airbase, and the Ramon Airbase. 

Air refueling and other reconnaissance aircraft were also operated during that time. 

The second document assesses the weapons handling, air defense, air operations, nuclear and missile facilities, special forces, and the Navy by Israeli occupation forces. 

It deemed that the level of weapons handling of ALBMs is medium, while precision-guided munitions handling was low. It also focused on the use of nuclear-capable missiles, the Jericho II in particular, and the use of nuclear facilities, saying that no significant activities were recorded on October 16. 

A serious breach

Mick Mulroy, a former US defense official, told CNN that if the leak is true, this means that the Israeli tactical plans to attack Iran have been leaked, marking a "serious breach".

"The future coordination between the US and Israel could be challenged as well. Trust is a key component in the relationship, and depending on how this was leaked that trust could be eroded," he underlined. 

On the other hand, an Israeli Member of the Knesset on behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud Party, Tally Gotliv, accused the US of purposefully leaking the documents. 

She said that the incident "was not done by accident."

"The leaking of the documents was done deliberately to prevent Israel and to hinder Israel from attacking Iran," she claimed, accusing the Biden administration of being "Iran's puppet."

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