Thursday, October 17, 2024

The GNU is Here to Stay


16 October 2024

A structure that aims to enable South Africa’s 10-party coalition government to resolve disputes over policy more easily will convene for the first time on Wednesday, with a number of issues already needing to be hammered out. 

Deputy President Paul Mashatile will preside over the first meeting of the so-called clearing-house mechanism, which will help ensure all participants in the government “develop a common understanding of critical policy matters,” the presidency said in a statement on Wednesday.

The cabinet will however remain the final government decision-making body, it said. 

A government of national unity was established after the African National Congress lost its parliamentary majority in the May 29 elections, and it has identified growing the economy and creating jobs as its top priority. 

While its business-friendly approach has driven a rally in the rand and stock markets over the course of its first 100 days in office, parties remain at loggerheads over the ANC’s plans to implement a national health insurance plan and change schools’ admission policy. 

Presidency spokesman Vincent Magwenya said the government is likely to see out its five-year term. 

“We are equally confident that, notwithstanding disagreements that are yet to emerge, no member of the GNU is going to leave,” he told reporters on Wednesday.

That view has been reinforced “now that you have a mechanism that will be engaged on issues of dispute,” he said.

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