Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Yemen Vows to ‘Rain Down Hypersonic Missiles on Israel in Coming Days’

Monday, 07 October 2024 9:30 PM

Frame grab from footage released by Yemen’s Armed Forces on June 26, 2024, shows their deployment of a hypersonic ballistic missile against an Israeli ship.

Yemen's Supreme Political Council has vowed that the country would be “raining down hypersonic missiles” on the occupied Palestinian territories as means of making the Israeli regime “taste what the people of Palestine have endured."

The missile barrage would be targeting the territories “in the coming days,” added Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the council, who was addressing a million-man pro-Palestinian march in the Yemeni capital Sana’a on Monday.

The march took place to mark the first anniversary of Palestinians’ al-Aqsa Storm Operation against the occupied territories, which, according to the official, “shifted the balance of power.”

Al-Houthi congratulated the Yemeni Armed Forces for their unwavering support for Palestine, which has seen them launching numerous pro-Palestinian strikes against the territories since October last year, when the regime brought the Gaza Strip under a genocidal war in response to al-Aqsa Storm.

In late September, the forces targeted the Ben Gurion airport in the central part of the territories with a hypersonic ballistic missile, dubbed Palestine-2, concomitantly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrival from a New York visit.

Yemen’s Armed Forces announce targeting the Ben Gurion airport concomitantly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrival from a New York visit.

Al-Houthi pointed to the United States’ history of “invading and occupying many nations,” reminding that Washington, however, “has never been able to sustain its control,” and warning that “the inevitable fate” would befall the Israeli regime’s occupation of the regional territories too.

The official referred to the US’s unstinting military support for the regime, saying the support had failed to intimidate the Palestinian people.

He, meanwhile, voiced gratitude towards resistance groups in Lebanon and Iraq for the operations that they have been carrying out against the regime since the launch of the US-backed Israeli war that followed the implementation of al-Aqsa Storm.

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