Thursday, March 20, 2025

Ethiopia TPLF’s Faction Must Abide by Laws

March 20, 2025 

The security vacuum that has unraveled in the Tigray region because of the conspiracy of the TPLF and a faction projecting out of it should be stopped as early as possible so that the people of Tigray can be freed from the unrest that has prevailed for over four years. The people deserve to live in peace, work hard like the people of the rest of the country, and enjoy the fruits of their years of struggle for peace and development.

It is sad to comprehend the fact that the people of Tigray have suffered the most at the hands of the TPLF and its misguided policies and ideology. Forgetting the grievances of past decades, it is enough to see the hardships that the people faced even after the signing of the Pretoria Agreement because of the destructive acts of the TPLF.

Historically, Tigray has held a significant place in the history, politics, economy, and culture of Ethiopia. It is where Christianity and Islam were introduced to the country and still houses many historical religious shrines of both religions. Coupled with its beautiful scenery, it is one of the most captivating tourist attractions in the country. Despite all its potential for economic development, the region is languishing in unstoppable chaos due to the ever-antagonistic stance of an illegal faction within the TPLF.

Of late, this faction has taken several illegal actions that debilitate the peaceful and smooth functioning of the Tigray Interim Administration, which was established with the joint mandate of the Federal Government and the TPLF as per the terms of the Pretoria Peace Agreement. The Pretoria Agreement is a monumental event that ended the bloody war triggered by the TPLF, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands, injured thousands more, and caused immeasurable destruction. Despite having the upper hand in that war, the federal government decided to settle the conflict peacefully to allow for peace and stability for the people of Tigray.

Yet, two years after signing the agreement, the TPLF is still engaged in eliminating all hopes for peace and development among the people. What the TPLF or the faction that emerged from it is doing now is a severe deprivation and tantamount to aggression against the people.

The faction or secretly operating group that is swaying the TPLF and influencing political dynamics in Tigray has started to nullify the efforts of both the interim administration and the federal government ever since the administration began its work two years ago. The interim administration has been undertaking all its activities despite the unbearable provocations from this faction, only to show its commitment to helping the region catch up with the rest of the country in terms of development.

However, this group has been taking advantage of the peaceful environment that has surfaced in the region to seek ways to create havoc. It is important to recall that the Tigray Interim Chief Administrator has openly admitted to the unbearable level of provocative acts by this faction within the TPLF, which have obstructed the administration’s work as a governing body. “We have reached a point where the interim administration cannot conduct its daily business,” Getachew told the media last week.

In short, the group should stop its adverse actions that are mainly harmful to the people of Tigray and threaten the entire nation in the long run. It must show due respect for the rule of law by upholding both national laws and the terms of the Pretoria Agreement.


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