Tuesday, March 04, 2025

SACP Rejects Neoliberalism and Calls for a Transformative Change

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The South African Communist Party (SACP) in the Western Cape province categorically condemns Western Cape Premier Alan Winde's State of the Province Address delivered on Wednesday 26 February 2025 in Beaufort West, Central Karoo district.

The DA-led Western Cape government, in its usual fashion, has once again failed to show solidarity with the working class by adopting neoliberal policies that prioritise elite interests and selective growth, thus serving a privileged few at the expense of the majority masses.

A discourse removed from reality

The Premier's address was marked by rhetoric rather than practical substance regarding economic progress and deliberately avoided confronting the harsh realities faced by workers, unemployed, and impoverished communities. The speech lacked understanding of critical issues such as, the crisis of the rising cost of living, job losses, deteriorating townships, and the increasing financial strain on families already trapped in poverty

Advancing towards National Health Insurance

The SACP condemns Premier Winde for his inaction regarding National Health Insurance (NHI), a vital policy. The lack of mention of this policy signals a serious indifference and reluctance to guarantee universal access for all residents of the Western Cape. While we acknowledge investments in hospital facilities, including improvements in Ravensmead, Bothasig, and Ladismith, and the additional R86 million allocated to the Acute Psychiatric Unit of Eerste River Hospital, as well as R279 million for other facilities in Caledon, Khayelitsha District, and New Somerset hospitals, we remain concerned about the neglect in the rebuilding of Jooste Hospital.

Further, the SACP calls for the province to grant Khayelitsha District Hospital regional authority to alleviate congestion in Tygerberg Hospital and ensure equitable access for its residents.

SACP reiterates its opposition to teacher post cuts

The SACP strongly rejects the DA-led government's decision to cut teaching posts in the Western Cape. This decision has led to a significant increase in the burden on teachers and overcrowded classrooms, compromising the quality of education. An example of this is the H.M. Dlikidla Primary School in Mandlenkosi, Beaufort West, where the loss of three teachers has resulted in overcrowded classes with at least 48 learners per class. This overpopulation in classrooms makes it impossible for teachers to adequately support learners with learning difficulties, further deepening educational inequalities in the province.

Opposition to Operation Vulindlela agenda of neoliberalism

The SACP warns Premier Winde against his hijacking of Operation Vulindlela, which is intended to modernise and transform transport networks, especially ports, to further the DA’s neoliberal agenda of privatisation. We emphasise that the Port of Cape Town must be repositioned to serve as the backbone of a public economy, rather than being driven by market forces. We also note the announcement of a task team involving multiple stakeholders, such as Wesgro and Transnet National Ports Authority, to develop solutions to operational challenges at the Port of Cape Town. We caution that any such initiative will fail if organised labour and the national government are excluded from the process.

A government serving the elite, not the people

The Premier's claims of growth in the Western Cape mask a sobering reality: such growth is narrowly confined to affluent areas, leaving the townships and rural regions in dire conditions. The DA-led government perpetuates inequality by promotes pro-corporate policies that disregard issues of poverty, food security, and increasing joblessness. The large-scale dismissal of educators, along with job losses in other public sectors, remains a pressing concern. Instead of prioritising investment in schools and community facilities, the provincial government is systematically dismantling the critical public services established to support workers and youth.

The lack of a developmental vision in SOPA

The SACP is profoundly concerned about Premier Winde's State of the Province Address, which lacks a credible developmental strategy to address the economic and social challenges facing the Western Cape. The absence of a concrete industrialisation plan for rural areas, especially in the Central Karoo, indicates a government insensible to the plight of the poor. The situation in the Central Karoo is critical, with many residents relying on social grants and soup kitchens for survival.

The government's neglect of industrial growth and the creation of sustainable job opportunities in these regions betrays the most marginalised members of society. No government can justifiably claim legitimacy when a significantly large portion of its citizens live in severe deprivation.

A call to progressive parties and working-class formations to unite

The SACP resolutely rejects the empty promises of the DA-led government and calls upon all progressive forces, labour movements, and grassroots organisations to unite in solidarity against this neoliberal assault. The working class must come together, mobilise, and demand a government that prioritises people over profits, emphasises social justice, and guarantees equitable service delivery for all citizens. The quest for economic and social justice continues unabated. While Premier Winde may have overlooked the interests of the people, the working class shall not be intimidated.

Issued by: South African Communist Party - Western Cape


Benson Ngqentsu - Provincial Secretary

082 796 640

Lizwi Gegula - Provincial Spokesperson

078 827 2274

Issued by the South African Communist Party,

Founded in 1921 as the Communist Party of South Africa.

Media, Communications & Information Department | MCID

Dr Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, Central Committee Member

National Spokesperson & Political Bureau Secretary for Policy and Research


Hlengiwe Nkonyane

Media Liaison Officer & Digital Platforms Manager

Mobile: +27 66 473 4819


Office: +2711 339 3621/2

Website: www.sacp.org.za

Facebook Page: South African Communist Party

Twitter: SACP1921

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