Sunday, January 05, 2025

SACP 2024 Year-end Statement

Sunday 29 December 2024:-  The South African Communist Party (SACP) wishes the workers and poor, employed and unemployed, as a class, great strength for the period ahead. The coming period requires ever growing, maximum working-class unity and independence on all fronts of the struggle. The SACP pledges to take forward this direction to tackle the crisis of working-class representation in our country, as resolved by its Fifth Special National Congress held in December 2024.

While working-class people in our country realised commendable progress from human rights to social advances following our hard-won April 1994 democratic breakthrough, it is also a fact that in economic terms there has been a lack of progress. This is a result of a number of factors, including the persisting legacy of colonial and apartheid oppression, capitalist domination of the economy and exploitation of workers, post-1994 neo-liberal policy dominance, and a hostile international atmosphere characterised by the dominance of imperialist forces and multiple global crises.

In ownership and control, the economy in our country still dominantly belongs to a tiny minority. Domestic economic ownership and control predominantly continue to reflect the legacy of colonial and apartheid oppression, super exploitation of the majority and associated patriarchal relations. Along with this, the capitalist system-generated mass unemployment, poverty and inequality continue at crisis-rates, affecting millions of working-class people. In terms of both race and gender, the class impact of unemployment, poverty and inequality also continue to reflect the legacy of colonial and apartheid oppression, economic super exploitation of the majority and associated patriarchal relations. These go against our national imperative to transform our society into a non-racial and non-sexist democratic society. This requires a united and revolutionary working class to change fundamentally. The SACP will play its role in deepening and defending this just struggle for the people, the majority of whom is the working class, to share in the country’s wealth.

While moderating in certain categories during certain quarters, crime increases in the same and other categories during other quarters. As a result, it remains at a crisis-level as well.

While there are other factors, there is a causal relationship between the crisis levels of unemployment, poverty and inequality, on the one hand, and the high rates of crime, on the other. All this is an outgrowth of the prevailing exploitative capitalist system.

To address the challenges and achieve a new breakthrough, above all else our country needs a united and revolutionary working class. Hence, the SACP says:

“Together, let's forge a popular left front. Let's consolidate and build a powerful, socialist movement of the workers and poor.”

It is deeply disappointing that the neo-liberal structural reform ideology and political direction driven by imperialist-controlled institutions and monopoly capital is increasingly being embedded in our policy space under the GNU, which includes the anti-national democratic revolution DA. The imperialist forces and both the domestic and foreign sections of capital promote this agenda and seek direct control of our country’s policy space through the right-wing, neo-liberal DA. This is in the interest of insinuating private accumulation in and through the private capture of what was hitherto state-owned network infrastructure sectors, among others, such as electricity generation, railways, the ports and foundational telecoms infrastructure (the high radio frequency spectrum was privatised through an auction to the highest bidders, for example).

In intensifying the battle against neo-liberalism and its policy prescripts, such as austerity, the working class must strengthen the struggle for broad-based industrialisation. This must integrate growing working-class and democratic state control and participation – on behalf of the people as a whole – in the economy.

Our country needs large-scale public economic and social infrastructure development and maintenance, a thriving public economy, and a caring social policy. This should include decisive implementation of the National Health Insurance to ensure quality healthcare for all, and a comprehensive social security system with a universal basic income grant. In this regard, the battle for uncompromised holistic implementation of the Basic Education Laws Amendment Act is as crucial as the battle for uncompromised holistic implementation of the National Health Insurance to intensify.

Driving structural transformation across the economy is essential. This must include domestic minerals beneficiation and agro-processing development and diversification as part of broad-based industrialisation.

In the same vein, and in line with the Freedom Charter, we need to see progress towards a state banking sector, a public banking system and growth in the worker- and community-controlled co-operative banking sector. This should be an apex priority towards financial sector transformation. A Sovereign Wealth Fund and prescribed assets (investment) remain crucial to see being implemented as well. These can serve as key sources of transformation and development funding.

Ending all forms of interpersonal and gender-based violence, and clamping down on crime at large, must be strengthened as a priority.

Anti-imperialism and international solidarity

The SACP reiterates its revolutionary solidarity with the people of Cuba against aggression and the illegal, criminal blockade, and the occupation of Guantanamo Bay, by the imperialist regime of the United States.

The SACP reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the people of Swaziland struggling for democracy, with the people of Western Sahara against occupation by Morocco, and with the people of Sudan for an end to war.

The situation in Swaziland has forced many into exile. South Africa is host to their majority. The autocratic regime in Swaziland has targeted activists for democracy and transition to socialist transformation and development, violating their human rights and imprisoning and murdering others. We denounce this injustice in the strongest terms possible.

The hardships endured by the Saharawi people as a result of Morocco’s occupation of their land, which we unreservedly denounce, are untold. In this regard, the SACP also condemns the obstructive role of the imperialist France and Spain and their support for Morocco. The imperialist forces are hellbent on legitimising and extending administrative control of Western Sahara and handing it firmly over to Morocco. This is done in the interest of, among others, full-fledged capture and exploitation of the natural resources of the Saharawi people and the political economy of their entire land.

The war in Sudan has had and continues to have a severely negative impact on livelihoods, engendering social chaos, mostly, but not only, affecting women and children, and displacing many. This war must end now!

The SACP takes this opportunity to reiterate its solidarity with FRELIMO as a liberation movement historically. Once again, we congratulate FRELIMO on winning the recent Mozambican elections, and as further confirmed by the highest court of the land based on evidence on the standards of free and fair elections. In this context, we condemn post-election violence by those seeking destabilisation, who are often supported by imperialist forces by overt or covert means.

In the same vein, once again, we congratulate SWAPO on winning the recent Namibian elections and its resolve to advance fundamental transformation and development.

This year saw the Umbrella for Democratic Change, inclusive of the Botswana National Front, winning the recent Botswana elections. This shift towards the left in Botswana is a welcome development. Once again, the SACP welcomes it and congratulates the victorious movement after years of democratic struggle. We commend the government led by the newly elected President Duma Boko for the progressive measures announced to tackle poverty in the diamond-rich country.

The SACP pledges its solidarity with the people of the Sahel Region for their path towards full independence from France as the colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist dominating power in their countries. This shift should be seen as part of the Second Phase of the African Revolution and must be deepened to uproot colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist domination and exploitation.

We reiterate our solidarity with the people of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and others in South America against the United States-led imperialist domination and aggression. The SACP supports the inauguration of the democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro on 10 January 2025, against the push by the imperialist regimes of the United States and Europe to undermine Venezuela’s democratic processes and manufacture destabilisation and a coup in the country.

Our solidarity with the people of Palestine stands firm against the occupation and genocide by the apartheid Israeli settler regime. In the same vein, we reiterate our solidarity with the entire axis of resistance in the Middle East against attacks by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backers, such as the United States. The heroic role of the standing forces of Iran in the critical battle for the independence of the Middle East is crucial within the axis of resistance.

The SACP strongly denounces the ongoing attacks on Yemen by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backer, the United States. We pledge our solidarity with the people of Yemen against the attacks and with the people of Syria and Lebanon opposed to terrorists, foreign aggression and occupation by the apartheid Israeli settler regime and its imperialist backer, the United States.

The world working class as a revolutionary movement and other progressive forces should strengthen efforts to support the rising multipolar movement to succeed towards a just and peaceful world order, in which imperialist exploitation and domination are a thing of the past. To this end, the rise of China from the development advances and independence it has both realised and is able to exercise are a welcome and epoch-marking shift in global affairs.

The Russian anti-imperialist front in the war provoked by the collective imperialist West in Ukraine is another crucial factor in multipolarity developments. It was in pursuit of totalitarian control of the world, natural resources in all global regions and the entire global economy, and military domination, that the imperialist collective West provoked the war in Ukraine. Led by the United States, the imperialist collective West supported a coup in Ukraine, expanding eastwards, using Ukraine, with Russia as an immediate and China as the ultimate target. Russia’s response underlined its capability to stand out against the imperialist bullies.

Issued by the South African Communist Party,

Founded in 1921 as the Communist Party of South Africa.

Media, Communications & Information Department | MCID

Dr Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, Central Committee Member

National Spokesperson & Political Bureau Secretary for Policy and Research


Hlengiwe Nkonyane

Media Liaison Officer & Digital Platforms Manager

Mobile: +27 66 473 4819


Office: +2711 339 3621/2


Facebook Page: South African Communist Party

Twitter: SACP1921

SACP Message of Support to the People and Government of Cuba on the 66th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Wednesday, 1 January 2025: On this historic day, as we mark the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on 1 January 1959, we extend revolutionary greetings from South Africa. For over six decades, the revolutionary people and government of Cuba have courageously resisted the United States’ imperialist aggression, destabilisation and regime change agendas.

The South African Communist Party (SACP) expresses its unequivocal support for, and solidarity with the people and government of Cuba in defence of their independence, their sovereign right to choose a path of transformation and development they have determined themselves, and their resistance against all forms of imperialist aggression, subjugation, domination and exploitation.

The SACP reiterates its firm and unequivocal demands for the following:

The immediate and unconditional end to the United States regime’s criminal, illegal and inhuman blockade of Cuba.

The termination of the United States regime’s foreign occupation of Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay.

The removal of Cuba by the United States regime from its so-called list of “countries sponsoring terrorism.”

The inclusion of Cuba on the list serves as a pretext for the over 60 years of imperialist aggression against, destabilisation of, and attempts at regime change in Cuba by the imperialist regime of the United States. The list is drawn up by the United States government unilaterally, without any international mandate or recognition.

The SACP takes this opportunity to remind all in our country and across the world. On 30 October 2024, the United Nations General Assembly, once again, voted for an end to the United States’ economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba. This marked the 32nd consecutive year that the global community has overwhelmingly denounced these imperialist measures.

The United Nations resolution for an end to the United States’ economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba was adopted with 187 votes in favour, exposing the isolation of the apartheid Israeli settler regime and the imperialist United States as the only opposing votes, with Moldova abstaining. This glaring disregard for global consensus underscores the United States’ imperialist contempt for international democracy and multilateralism.

The United Nations resolution reaffirmed the principles of sovereign equality, non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of one state by another. It further reiterated the obligations of all nation states under the United Nations Charter and international law to refrain from adopting or enforcing coercive measures that undermine the freedom of trade and navigation.

Cuba’s international solidarity includes, but is not limited to, long-standing active support for other nations’ fundamental right to self-determination, and international solidarity provision of healthcare and education, among others. The Cuban people have realised significant social advances in these and other areas of human development on the domestic front themselves, with outcomes including long life expectancy and high education levels. They have achieved all these despite severe aggression from the imperialist regime of the United States.

For many around the world, including ourselves, the anti-imperialist Cuban government and people stand as a beacon for socialist construction.

The Cuban people’s commitment to socialist transformation and development, to build a society in which no person exploits another, and to internationalism and the struggle for human dignity, continues to inspire the oppressed and working-class people across the globe.

We call upon all peace-loving people, all revolutionary and all progressive forces worldwide to unite against the continued imperialist hostility directed at Cuba. Together, let us strengthen the demand for an end to the blockade, the return of Guantanamo Bay to its rightful sovereign, and an end to all other forms of attacks.

To the Cuban people and government, the SACP says:

“Your steadfast resilience in the face of imperialist aggression and economic blockades remains a beacon of hope for all across the world who seek justice, equality, self-determination, complete emancipation and freedom from imperialist domination and exploitation.”

As we celebrate this milestone, the 66th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, we reaffirm our deep gratitude for Cuba’s consistent solidarity with Africa, from the battlefields of liberation to Cuba’s ongoing contributions in healthcare, education and other development areas.

The ideals of the Cuban Revolution’s self-determination, equality and international solidarity resonate profoundly with the principles of our own struggles to defend, deepen and complete the South African National Democratic Revolution and advance a complete socialist transition, transformation and development.

Together, let us continue to strengthen the bonds of friendship and co-operation in pursuit of a world free from exploitation and oppression.

Victory to the Cuban people! Victory to international solidarity!

Viva Cuba! Viva Socialism!

Issued by the South African Communist Party,

Founded in 1921 as the Communist Party of South Africa.

Media, Communications & Information Department | MCID

Dr Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, Central Committee Member

National Spokesperson & Political Bureau Secretary for Policy and Research


Hlengiwe Nkonyane

Media Liaison Officer & Digital Platforms Manager

Mobile: +27 66 473 4819


Office: +2711 339 3621/2


Facebook Page: South African Communist Party

Twitter: SACP1921

SACP Congratulates FRELIMO Following Highest Court's Confirmation of Electoral Results

Tuesday 24 December 2024:- The South African Communist Party (SACP) congratulates FRELIMO once again following Mozambique's highest court ruling confirming its electoral victory.

The SACP calls upon all to respect Mozambique's sovereign institutions of law, in this case the highest court of the land, which base their decisions on evidence, unlike biased commentators and others who fall into their category. We call for calm, peace and development.

FRELIMO's triumph confirmed the people's choice for revolutionary leadership and commitment to democratic social transformation. The latest court pronouncement confirming the victory occurred despite a relentless imperialist agenda aimed at dislodging democratically elected liberation movements that rose to government in Southern Africa and other parts of the continent and the world after leading national liberation struggles and achieving transitions to democratic dispensations.

The SACP stands firmly with FRELIMO and the people of Mozambique in advancing a shared vision of sovereignty and anti-imperialism. We reiterate our position stated by our General Secretary, Comrade Solly Mapaila, that our two movements, bound by a deep history of shared struggle, waged a relentless fight against colonial oppression: FRELIMO's role in Mozambique's liberation and the SACP's contribution to South Africa's liberation remain a powerful reflection of the interconnectedness of our struggles for national freedom. The African Revolution remains an unfinished journey, and this moment is a critical step towards intensifying and advancing our collective struggle for true freedom and self-determination. The fight is far from over, and we must continue to push forward with unwavering dedication and solidarity.

Issued by the South African Communist Party,

Founded in 1921 as the Communist Party of South Africa.

Media, Communications & Information Department | MCID

Dr Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo, Central Committee Member

National Spokesperson & Political Bureau Secretary for Policy and Research


Hlengiwe Nkonyane

Media Liaison Officer & Digital Platforms Manager

Mobile: +27 66 473 4819


Office: +2711 339 3621/2


Facebook Page: South African Communist Party

Twitter: SACP1921

Ramaphosa's New Year's Message: 'GNU Committed to Reduce Poverty'

Ramaphosa said all parties in the GNU were working together 'to strengthen the capacity of the State and to deliver services to our people'.

Cyril Ramaphosa

Government of national unity (GNU)

Ramaphosa's New Year's message: 'GNU commited to reduce poverty'

FILE: President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his 2023 State of the Nation Address. Picture: GCIS

JOHANNESBURG - President Cyril Ramaposa says 2024 brought a new system of governance for the country, along with concerted efforts to reduce poverty and the cost of living. 

He spoke of the Government of National Unity (GNU) during his televised New Year's message, the formation of which took place after the 29 May national elections.

Former liberation movement the Africa National Congress (ANC) scooped just over 40% of the national vote, seeing it lose power since the dawn of democracy.

For a political party to govern in South Africa, they should garner 50% plus one votes.

Ramaphosa added they were left with no choice but to respect the choice South Africans' democratic rights to vote, adding that as parties with ideological differences and political outlooks, they're compelled to find common ground.

"The GNU has committed itself to reduce poverty and to lower the cost of living. The parties are all working to strengthen the capacity of the State and to deliver services to our people."

The 11 parties in the ANC-led GNU include the Democratic Alliance (DA), Patriotic Alliance (PA), Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), GOOD Party, Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus), United Democratic Movement (UDM), Al Jama-ah, Rise Mzansi, and the United Africans Transformation (UAT).

Mashatile to Attend Church Service in Khayelitsha Ahead of ANC Anniversary Celebrations

ANC NEC members Thandi Mahambehla, Nonceba Mhlawuli and the party’s national spokesperson, Mahlengi Bhegu, are also among the dignitaries present.

Deputy ANC President Paul Mashatile at Luthuli House as the party marks 100 days of the GNU.

CAPE TOWN - African National Congress (ANC) Deputy President Paul Mashatile is attending a church service at Andrew Losaba Methodist Church in Khayelitsha on Sunday ahead of the party’s 8 January celebrations in Cape Town. 

National Executive Committee (NEC) members Thandi Mahambehla, Nonceba Mhlawuli and the ANC's national spokesperson, Mahlengi Bhegu, are also among the dignitaries present. 

The ANC’s NEC will be crisscrossing parts of the Western Cape this week engaging and mobilising communities. 

Mashatile's church visit is part of the ongoing door-to-door campaign leading to the 113th ANC anniversary this coming weekend. 

The 8 January statement event will take place at Mandela Park Stadium in Khayelitsha on Saturday.

This is the ANC's first 8 January statement celebration after the party lost its majority in the May 2024 polls. 

The festivities in 2024 also take place in the party’s Government of National Unity (GNU) partner, the Democratic Alliance (DA)’s, stronghold.

ANC NEC Members to Engage with Communities Sidelined by WC Govt, Says Mashatile

Mashatile was speaking to the media after attending a service at the Andrew Losaba Methodist Church in Khayelitsha on Sunday.

ANC NEC members to engage with communities sidelined by WC govt, says Mashatile

Deputy President Paul Mashatile at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism for no Violence Against Women and Children campaign in Rustenburg on 25 November 2024. Picture: @PresidencyZA/X

CAPE TOWN - African National Congress (ANC) Deputy President Paul Mashatile says his party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) will visit different parts of the Western Cape and chat with communities sidelined by the provincial government.  

Mashatile was speaking to the media after attending a service at the Andrew Losaba Methodist Church in Khayelitsha on Sunday.  

He was accompanied by NEC members Thandi Mahambehlala, Nonceba Mhlawuli, and the ANC national spokesperson, Mahlengi Bhengu.  

Mashatile said the party's NEC visit to the Western Cape ahead of its 113th anniversary next weekend is not a campaign to revive the party in the province.  

Mashatile explained that NEC leaders are touring the area to visit communities affected by fires over the festive season.  

"We will come from national with ministers and deputy ministers to work with these communities that are being neglected by the provincial government. We will assist them with the challenges they are facing."  

Mashatile also mentioned that national leaders will address youth unemployment in poor communities.

AUSSOM Takes Over Security Operations in Somalia

ATMIS initiated a range of quick-impact projects, including the construction of boreholes, classrooms, police stations, and the rehabilitation of health centres.


01 January 2025 - 17:25

In Summary

The head of the AU Support and Stabilisation Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) Mohamed El Amine said the new mission will build on achievements made under the ATMIS.

He said in 2024, the ATMIS made significant strides by transferring Forward Operating Bases to the Somali Security Forces (SSF), in line with the Somalia Transition Plan.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mohamed El-Amine Souef honouring officers in a past event. PHOTO: ATMIS/X

A new Africa Union (AU) mission took the helm in Somalia on New Year’s Day despite uncertainty over the final list of countries contributing troops.

The head of the AU Support and Stabilisation Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) Mohamed El Amine said the new mission will build on achievements made under the previous African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) operation “to ensure Somalia realizes long-term peace and security.”

He said in 2024, the ATMIS made significant strides by transferring Forward Operating Bases to the Somali Security Forces (SSF), in line with the Somalia Transition Plan.

“This shows that the Somali Security Forces have acquired the necessary expertise to independently take over the country's security responsibilities.”

“We commend international partners and ATMIS Troop and Police Contributing Countries (T/PCCs) for their support and sacrifice on this journey to empower Somali Security Forces through initiatives focused on force generation and capacity building,” he added.

In collaboration with development partners, ATMIS initiated a range of quick-impact projects, including the construction of boreholes, classrooms, police stations, and the rehabilitation of health centres, to improve the lives of residents in liberated areas.

“AUSSOM has finally become operational, beginning 1st January 2025, as per UN Security Council Resolution 2767 (2024). It will build on the achievements made under ATMIS to ensure Somalia realizes long-term peace and security.”

At the African Union level, he added, they will continue our engagements under AUSSOM, guided by the AU Peace and Security Council communiqués, as well as UN Security Council resolutions.

He said Somalia will join the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member in January 2025, following its successful election.

“This marks a momentous achievement in the country's recent history and provides an opportunity for Somalia to contribute to global peace and security,” he said.

He added Somalia continued the path to economic revitalization.

In March 2024, the country became a full member of the East African Community (EAC), a regional trading bloc with a market size of over 170 million people.

Somalia, boasting the longest coastline in Africa at over 3,000 kilometres and rich natural resources, is strategically positioned to emerge as a key player within the economic bloc.

Elsewhere, Deputy Army Commander (DAC) Major General Mohamed Nur Hassan visited Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) troops serving under the ATMIS from 21-22 December 2024.

The two-day visit aimed to acknowledge the troops’ contribution to peace, security, and stability in Somalia over the past decade. This period has witnessed the liberation of critical localities and the resumption of socio-economic activities.

Maj Gen Hassan commended the KDF troops for their professionalism, commitment, integrity, and discipline, qualities that have fostered positive relations with other stakeholders in the mission area.

“For over a decade, KDF has demonstrated outstanding dedication to fostering peace and stability in Somalia. The citizenry can go about their lives uninterrupted as you, alongside other stakeholders, have continually degraded the terrorist threat posed by Al Shabaab,” he said

He urged the troops to remain proactive by conducting offensive patrols, ensuring a seamless transition from ATMIS to the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) in January 2025.

Maj Gen Hassan reaffirmed KDF’s commitment to supporting a Somali-led peace process, emphasizing that a peaceful Somalia is critical to the stability of East Africa and the Horn of Africa regions.

The primary mandate of ATMIS has been to implement the Somali Transition Plan (STP)—a comprehensive guide developed by the Federal Government of Somalia and its partners to facilitate the transfer of security responsibilities to the Somali National Security Forces (SNSF).

In contrast, AUSSOM will focus on protecting civilians and critical infrastructure under the immediate threat of physical violence.

The United Nations Security Council authorized an African Union stabilisation and support mission in Somalia - known as AUSSOM - on Friday that will replace a larger AU anti-terrorism operation from January 1, 2025.

The European Union and the United States, the top funders of AU forces in Somalia, wanted to reduce the number of AU peacekeepers due to concerns about long-term financing and sustainability.

Negotiations about the new force had proven complicated, officials said.

The United States abstained from the U.N. Security Council vote on Friday over its funding concerns.

The remaining 14 council members voted for the resolution.

The next phase will be on which country will contribute what number of troops to the mission.

Ghana Passes Provisional Budget Ahead of Transition

Africa News and AP


Ghana's parliament has passed a provisional budget that allows the government to spend $4.65 billion through March.

Outgoing President Nana Akufo-Addo was due to present his last state of the nation address later on Friday after eight years leading the country.

John Dramani Mahama is set to take office as the country's president next week.

A provisional budget is typically passed in November during election years but this time it's dragged after an impasse over whether the outgoing NPP or the incoming NDC party has a majority of seats in the House but the Finance Minister confirmed the delay would not affect government business.

M23 Captures Masisi in DR Congo

A child carrying water walks past Wazalendo forces fighting M23 rebels on patrol in Sake, DRC, on 31 August 2024.

Africa News and AP

Rebel forces, backed by Rwanda, have seized control of the town of Masisi in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

This marks the second town captured by the M23 group in just two days, in the North Kivu province.

Since 2021, the M23 rebels have taken control of large parts of eastern DR Congo, displacing hundreds of thousands of people in the process.

Efforts to mediate the ongoing conflict have been led by Angola, with talks between Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame. However, those negotiations collapsed last month, leaving the region in a continued state of instability.

The Congolese authorities have not yet commented on the loss of the town.

Masisi, which has a population of about 40,000,is about 80km (50 miles) north of the North Kivu provincial capital Goma, which the M23 briefly occupied in 2012.

International Conference on Eritrea Studies Opens in Asmara

The conference aims to facilitate academic exchange, foster collaboration, and promote a deeper understanding of Eritrea’s role in regional peace and stability

ASMARA, Eritrea, January 4, 2025/APO Group/ -- International Conference on Eritrea Studies opened today at Asmara Palace Hotel under the theme “International and Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Development.”

The opening ceremony was attended by Ministers, senior Government and PFDJ officials, Ambassadors, members of the diplomatic community, heads of UN offices in Eritrea, scholars, professionals, and invited guests.

Dr. Halima Mohammed, chairperson of the conference’s coordinating committee, noted the growing interest among scholars and practitioners in researching and publishing on Eritrea. She emphasized that investment in research and education is fundamental to all development efforts. The conference aims to facilitate academic exchange, foster collaboration, and promote a deeper understanding of Eritrea’s role in regional peace and stability, as well as its contributions to global sustainable development.

In his keynote address, Mr. Yemane Gebremeskel, Minister of Information, said that the research papers, on a broad spectrum of themes, slated for discussion during the next three days will immensely enrich development oriented academic research in the country. Furthermore, Minister Yemane emphasized that another invaluable spinoff of this conference will be its impact and contribution in debunking and rectifying the stifling, negative narrative, on Eritrea that has been pursued, for almost two decades now without let-up, by major legacy media outlets and associated think tanks.

At the conference that will continue until 6 January 154 research papers will be presented including on natural and social science, agriculture and natural resources, archeology and national heritage, Diaspora opportunities and challenges, economic development, environment and climate change, language and linguistics, law, politics and regional and global issues, science and technology as well as folklores and music. 70 of the research papers will be presented by Eritrean experts from inside the country and abroad.

Academicians, experts and researchers from Germany, Italy, the UK, People’s Republic of China, Russian Federation, Hungary, India, Egypt, Uganda, Somalia, the US, Canada and others are attending the conference.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Washington Post Cartoonist Quits After Jeff Bezos Cartoon Is Killed

The cartoon, by Ann Telnaes, depicted the owner of The Post, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires genuflecting toward a statue of President-elect Donald Trump.

A cartoon depicts several people, including some resembling Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman and Patrick Soon-Shiong, kneeling and holding up bags of money at the feet of a statue that resembles Donald Trump, while Mickey Mouse is prostrated alongside them.

By Benjamin Mullin

Jan. 4, 2025, 9:38 a.m. ET

Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for The Washington Post, said on Friday evening that she was resigning after the newspaper’s opinions section rejected a cartoon depicting The Post’s owner, Jeff Bezos, genuflecting toward a statue of President-elect Donald J. Trump.

In a brief statement posted to Substack, Ms. Telnaes — who has worked at The Post since 2008 — called the newspaper’s decision to kill her cartoon a “game changer" that was “dangerous for a free press.”

“In all that time I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at,” she wrote. “Until now.”

Ms. Telnaes included a draft of her cartoon in her Substack post. In addition to Mr. Bezos, the founder of Amazon, the cartoon depicted Meta’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg; Sam Altman, OpenAI’s chief executive; Patrick Soon-Shiong, the owner of The Los Angeles Times; and Mickey Mouse, the corporate mascot of the Walt Disney Company.

David Shipley, The Post’s opinions editor, said in a statement that he respected Ms. Telnaes and all she had given to The Post “but must disagree with her interpretation of events."

“Not every editorial judgment is a reflection of a malign force,” Mr. Shipley said in the statement. “My decision was guided by the fact that we had just published a column on the same topic as the cartoon and had already scheduled another column — this one a satire — for publication. The only bias was against repetition.”

Mr. Shipley added that he had spoken with Ms. Telnaes by phone on Friday and had asked her to reconsider resigning. During the call, Mr. Shipley said he wanted to speak with Ms. Telnaes on Monday, after they had taken the weekend to think things over. He later encouraged her to hold off on quitting to see if they could work out the situation in accordance with her principles.

Ms. Telnaes did not respond to requests for comment.

Matt Wuerker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for Politico, called the decision to kill Ms. Telnaes’s cartoon “spineless,” adding that the storied Post cartoonist Herbert Block, known as Herblock, and Ben Bradlee, a former editor of The Post, were “spinning, kicking and screaming in their graves.”

Somalia Joins UN Security Council After 54 Years

By Al Mayadeen English

2 Jan 2025 14:18

The country has been elected to the position in June 2024, alongside Pakistan, Panama, Denmark, and Greece.

The Federal Republic of Somalia officially joined the United Nations Security Council as one of its 15 non-permanent members.

Somalia will represent East Africa in this prestigious role for two years, beginning January 1, 2025, through 2026. The country was elected to the position in June 2024, alongside Pakistan, Panama, Denmark, and Greece.

The five council members chosen will begin their terms on January 1, succeeding those whose two-year terms conclude on December 31 — Mozambique, Japan, Ecuador, Malta, and Switzerland.

They will join the five permanent members with veto power — the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and France — as well as the five countries elected last year — Algeria, Guyana, South Korea, Sierra Leone, and Slovenia.

A symbol of Somalia's strength and unity

In a speech marking the occasion, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud hailed the achievement, calling it a symbol of the nation's strength, resilience, and unity despite decades of challenges.

"After 54 years, Somalia returns to the Security Council as a non-permanent member. This accomplishment reflects our collective perseverance," he said as quoted by the Somali National News Agency.

The president also acknowledged the role of Somalis both at home and abroad in securing this milestone.

"Your resilience and sacrifices have been instrumental in writing this new chapter in Somalia's history," he added, describing the event as "a historic day for the nation."

Emphasizing the weight of the responsibility, President Mohamud committed to promoting peace, justice, and good governance on both regional and global levels.

"Somalia will use its seat to be a voice for the aspirations of our people and the region," he said.

He emphasized that Somalia would focus on fostering dialogue, promoting peace, and improving governance while working collectively to strengthen the nation and secure a prosperous future for the coming generations.

It is worth noting that Somalia’s membership in the Security Council comes at a critical time as the country seeks to strengthen its role in securing peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and beyond.

Zimbabwe Govt Takes Provincial Media Tours to Mash East

3 January 2025

The Herald (Harare)

By Blessings Chidakwa

Government has taken the provincial media tour to Mashonaland East province where the fourth estate will get an opportunity to appreciate some of the flagship projects being undertaken by the Second Republic both completed and underway.

Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister Jenfan Muswere will be leading the tour.

Among the areas to be visited on Friday are Mahusekwa hospital, Hwedza to Mushandirapamwe road rehabilitation works, Hwedza Government Complex and Civil Registry offices. Others are Chivhu Dam, Irrigation and Water treatment plant.

Mashonaland East province becomes the second stop after Harare which was toured yesterday on sites including the temporary Mbare Traders Market, one of the Trababalas Interchange bridges, Madokero Creek, Madokero Mall, Dzivaresekwa Flats, Robert Mugabe International Airport and several roads.

Read the original article on The Herald.

Zimbabwe Zanu-PF Membership in Mash East Continues to Grow

3 January 2025

The Herald (Harare)

By Joseph Madzimure

Zanu-PF 's membership continues to grow in Mashonaland East province, with registered 732 900 members now in its cell registers by end of last year, according to an annual cell verification exercise.

The cell verification seeks to account for both old and new members, ensuring the integrity of the party's membership in line with its constitutional requirements.

In the 2023 harmonised elections, ZANU PF lost the Ruwa and Marondera Central constituencies to the opposition party, CCC.

Out of 230 wards, ZANU PF secured victories in 196 local authorities within Mashonaland East.

Provincial chairman Cde Daniel Garwe encouraged members to recommit to the values of hard work, resilience, and unity.

"Let us continue to work together towards achieving our vision of a prosperous and empowered community.

"As we reflect on the past year, we have made significant strides in driving economic growth and development at the grassroots level, thanks to the visionary leadership of President Mnangagwa," he said.

In an interview on the state of the party in Mashonaland East, provincial political commissar Cde Lincoln Matare emphasised the need to strengthen ZANU PF's presence in the region.

"During the restructuring exercise, the party had registered 3 107 cells/village levels in rural areas, which translates to 621 400 members.

"In urban areas, we registered 2 230 cells, translating to 111 500 members for the end of 2024," he said.

Cde Matare attributed the growth in membership to the public's acknowledgment of President Mnangagwa's leadership, particularly concerning infrastructural development and addressing social issues affecting citizens.

He highlighted the Government's achievements in Mashonaland East, which include the construction of Muchekeranwa Dam, which is already supplying water to Marondera town.

There is also Chivhu Dam, which is already operational, while Kunzvi Dam and Mada Dam are under construction.

This year, Cde Matare stressed the importance of expanding the party's membership base.

"Politics is about getting people to support your party because of the progressive policies you have, and we don't have any shortage of that because our President is the best leader you can ever wish for," he said.

Cde Matare said they are presently assessing the implementation of projects undertaken by Government on a ward-by-ward basis, monitored by the District Co-ordinating Committee.

He reiterated the party's commitment to increasing its membership in preparation for future elections, aiming to reclaim Marondera Central and Ruwa constituencies as strongholds for ZANU PF.

"We will continue to pile victory upon victory until we return Mashonaland East to the glorious days when it was a safe haven for ZANU PF," he said.

Read the original article on The Herald.

Congo-Kinshasa: DRC Case Against Apple Brings New Hope in Conflict Minerals Crisis

3 January 2025

Radio France Internationale

By Melissa Chemam

As the DRC brings an unprecedented case against Apple, and the company offers assurances that it will no longer use conflict minerals from central Africa, experts are questioning whether real change is on the horizon in illegal mining.

The war over so-called "conflict minerals" is more than two decades old, but the fight to prevent their exploitation by global tech companies is much newer.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), various armed groups - including both Congolese army and rival armed rebel groups, among them the M23 - occupy mines and trading routes, forcing miners to work for free.

Minerals from these mines, including tungsten, tin and tantalum (often referred to as the 3Ts), have been illegally smuggled through Rwanda for several years, and eventually exported to tech companies such as Apple, Tesla and Samsung.

But after the DRC filed criminal charges against Apple over the use of conflict minerals, there is renewed hope that this illegal mining could be brought to an end.

A criminal complaint was filed earlier in December against Apple's subsidiaries in France and Belgium, where the Congolese government alleges Apple uses conflict minerals laundered through international supply chains - which the American tech giant denies.

DRC files complaint against Apple over alleged illegal mineral exploitation

It is now up to judiciaries in France and Belgium, where the complaints were filed, to decide whether investigations will be initiated, which could set a legal precedent.

Accept Manage my choices Public awareness

For Alex Kopp, senior campaigner on the NGO Global Witness's transition minerals team, the case signals positive change. He told RFI that there has been some progress, at least in terms of public awareness and consensus building.

The United States, France and Belgium say they have put regulations on conflict minerals in place, and the European Union passed a regulation in May 2017 to stop conflict minerals and metals from being exported to the EU, and to prevent EU smelters and refiners from using them.

Brussels lawyer Christophe Marchand said: "These complaints filed against Apple are a matter of great public interest at a time when European countries, consumers and non-governmental organisations are increasing their scrutiny of international supply chains."

But, Kopp added, the regulations "are not sufficiently enforced, and I don't think they've had a real impact on the ground".

He hopes the upcoming Apple trial will create awareness of the need to legislate against illegal mining, and "push the international community to take appropriate measures".

According to the United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC, legitimate public and private players lack the resources to implement the traceability requirements necessary for access to the international market.

They say the EU strategy on mineral supply chain due diligence should include regulation, coupled with practical measures to support transparency, traceability and law enforcement in high-risk and conflict areas.

UN experts call for global system to trace critical minerals

That way, "EU companies and consumers could ensure that their purchases are promoting better governance and economic development in eastern DRC, rather than fuelling war," according to a report co-written by Gregory Mthembu-Salter, a former consultant on conflict minerals due diligence to the UN Group of Experts.

Groundbreaking case

The DRC alleges that Apple bought contraband supplies from its conflict-racked eastern region and from Rwanda, zones in which the materials are alleged to be mined illegally before being integrated into global supply chains.

According to a statement from lawyers representing the DRC, Apple's French and Belgian subsidiaries also deployed deceptive commercial practices in order to persuade consumers that its supply chains were clean.

Apple said in a statement that suppliers were told earlier this year to stop purchasing those minerals from the DRC and Rwanda.

Lawyers for the DRC called Apple's statement vague, but welcomed the company's decision to stop sourcing minerals from the region - although they added that the company's statement about changes to its supply chain will have to be verified on the ground.

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Accept Manage my choices Kigali has dismissed the accusations, which the Rwandan government described as "a repetition of baseless allegations and speculation aimed at generating media interest about one of the world's largest companies".

"This is just the latest move by the DRC government, which constantly seeks to shift attention towards Rwanda with false accusations," spokesperson for the Rwandan government, Yolande Makolo, told news agencies.

A wider issue

According to Kopp, Apple is not alone in these practices. "Global Witness has reported that, along with Apple, Tesla, HP, Nokia, Blackberry, Motorola, Samsung and Intel may also have sourced conflict minerals from the African Great Lakes Region."

Outside Europe, the pressure is also mounting in the US on American companies.

In July, the US State Department issued a statement saying: "The United States remains concerned about the role that the illicit trade and exploitation of certain minerals, including artisanally and semi-industrially mined gold and tantalum, from the African Great Lakes Region continues to play in financing conflict."

It continued: "In many cases, these minerals directly or indirectly benefit armed groups and move out of the eastern DRC through Rwanda and also to Uganda before moving to major refining and processing countries. These supply chains facilitate illicit exploitation and taxation of these minerals, often involving acts of corruption."

Accept Manage my choices DRC's own failings

There is also a lot the DRC's government should do or should have done, Kopp said.

"I'm not referring now to the areas in North Kivu which are occupied by M23 and Rwandan forces, where the Congolese government has lost effective control over its territory, but to other areas in DRC where minerals have in the past been connected to armed conflict."

According to reports from Global Witness, the Congolese army has itself often illegally profited from minerals.

"The DRC hasn't sufficiently implement its regulation how to deal with conflict minerals. DRC officials are running the ITSCI traceability scheme through which conflict minerals have been laundered over and over again over the last decade. Congolese are often involved in smuggling minerals over the border and DRC officials do little to stop them," Kopp told RFI.

Reports demonstrate that the Congolese authorities are in fact using this "scheme that's meant to ensure traceability" to do quite the opposite.

"The ITSCI traceability scheme has been used to launder conflict minerals in DRC," Kopp explains, citing evidence from the Global Witness 2022 "ITSCI Laundromat" report.

"Large amounts of minerals from unvalidated mines, including ones with militia involvement or that use child labour, enter the ITSCI supply chain and are exported, evidence suggests. ITSCI's incident reporting frequently appears to downplay or ignore incidents that seriously compromise its supply chain," it reads.

For the years 2023 and 2024, UN Group Expert reports appear to provide evidence for continued conflict minerals laundering, which Global Witness are in the process of verifying.

Hope for change

For William Bourdon, one of the lawyers representing DRC against Apple, it's a case that should bring hope, tempered with caution.

"It is unprecedented for a company as powerful as Apple to publicly commit to 'cleaning up' the conditions of its mineral sourcing," he told RFI.

"However, we must remain extremely vigilant. Companies sometimes make commitments that excite everyone but fail to deliver. That is why we are calling for Apple to commit to a full process of verification and transparency."

Read or Listen to this story on the RFI website.

Burkina Faso: Two Jailed for Life Over 2017 Restaurant Attack

Security forces stands guard outside the site of a restaurant attacked in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Monday, Aug. 14, 2017

Africa News and AP

Burkina Faso

A court in Burkina Faso has sentenced two people to life in prison over a deadly 2017 attack on a Turkish restaurant in the capital that killed 19 people, officials said.

Two gunmen opened fire at the Aziz Istanbul restaurant on Ouagadougou’s main avenue in August 2017.

No claim of responsibility was made for the attack,

The victims included 10 Burkinabes and nine foreigners.

The restaurant was just 200 metres from a hotel and cafe targeted in an assault in January 2016 that left 30 people dead and 71 wounded.

In March 2018, simultaneous attacks also targeted the army headquarters and the French embassy, killing eight Burkinabe soldiers.

Burkina Faso has been battling a surge of attacks by jihadist armed groups.

Nearly two million of its citizens have been forced from their homes by the conflict.

Deepening Military Partnership for Collective Security

January 2, 2025

Ethiopia, a key player in the Horn of Africa, is actively enhancing its military alliances with neighboring countries like Uganda, Kenya, and other African nations. This collaboration highlights the growing recognition that ensuring regional security is a collective responsibility, especially in a continent facing ongoing threats such as terrorism, armed conflicts, and cross-border instability. Ethiopia’s strategic partnerships reflect a broader commitment to fostering peace, stability, and mutual development across the region.

Historically, Ethiopia has been crucial in promoting regional stability and peace. As one of Africa’s oldest nations and a significant contributor to the African Union, headquartered in Addis Ababa, the country has consistently demonstrated its dedication to continental peace initiatives. Its geographic position, combined with its strong military capabilities, makes Ethiopia an essential ally in security efforts across the region.

The military cooperation between Ethiopia and Uganda has deepened recently, with both nations engaging in training programs and expertise exchanges. This collaboration allows them to share best practices and enhance their operational capabilities, building resilient and adaptable military forces.

Ethiopia’s extensive experience in peacekeeping missions and counter-insurgency operations has been invaluable to Uganda, while Uganda’s expertise in guerrilla warfare and regional diplomacy has enriched Ethiopia’s strategies. This mutual support has strengthened both nations’ abilities to tackle regional crises effectively.

Kenya is another vital partner for Ethiopia, particularly in the context of regional security. The two countries share a long and sometimes contentious border, which has necessitated extensive cooperation to address issues like the movement of armed groups, human trafficking, and the proliferation of small arms. Both Ethiopia and Kenya have recognized that their shared prosperity is intimately tied to the stability of their border region, leading to increased collaboration in military and security matters.

The Ethiopia, Kenya partnership is particularly evident in their joint efforts against extremist groups such as Al-Shabaab. As frontline states in combating this threat, both nations have contributed troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and engaged in intelligence sharing to disrupt terrorist networks.

The porous borders between Kenya and Somalia have long posed security risks, making Ethiopia’s military expertise crucial in supporting Kenya’s efforts to mitigate these threats. Joint military exercises and capacity-building initiatives have further enhanced the interoperability of Ethiopian and Kenyan forces, enabling them to operate cohesively in addressing shared security challenges.

Both countries understand that terrorism knows no borders and demands coordinated action. Additionally, cross-border trafficking of people and goods undermines regional stability and fuels organized crime. Despite occasional disputes, Ethiopia and Kenya have maintained a peaceful coexistence and coordinated efforts that have weakened extremist groups’ operational capacities, although challenges remain.

Ethiopia and Tanzania are forging a robust partnership in defense cooperation, focusing on enhancing military capacity building and technology transfer. It aims not only to bolster their respective military capabilities but also to address and resolve the unique challenges each nation faces. By working together, Ethiopia and Tanzania are demonstrating their commitment to regional stability and international security.

Similarly, Ethiopia has established a strong political alliance with Algeria, engaging in both bilateral and multilateral initiatives. This partnership underscores the significance of military diplomacy, as both nations recognize the need to fortify their defense relations.

By deepening cooperation in military matters, Ethiopia and Algeria aim to enhance their strategic positioning on the African continent and address common security concerns. Strengthening these ties is essential for promoting peace, stability, and development in the region, ultimately benefiting both countries and their populations.

On the other way, Ethiopia’s strong military cooperation extends beyond its immediate neighbors. Partnerships with Nigeria and other countries are viewed as essential for fostering African integration. Both nations face similar security challenges and recognize the importance of deepening their collaboration across various sectors.

This alliance is vital not only for Ethiopia and Nigeria but also for promoting broader peace across Africa as they confront threats like Boko Haram, organized crime, and human trafficking, all of which hinder the continent’s stability and economic growth. Their collaboration serves as a model for regional cooperation, demonstrating the effectiveness of partnerships in addressing complex issues.

Moreover, Ethiopia and South Africa are striving to enhance their bilateral relations within the BRICS framework. Ethiopia is prioritizing collaboration with other BRICS nations and engaging with peer institutions to foster mutual support. Key discussions have focused on establishing partnerships between private enterprises and social development organizations, thereby strengthening ties among BRICS members.

Overall, the Joint military exercises and intelligence-sharing agreements between Ethiopia and its partners have significantly enhanced their readiness to address security threats. By combining military strength, intelligence resources, and development initiatives, these nations are tackling immediate security concerns while laying the groundwork for lasting peace and prosperity. Their collaborative efforts serve as a blueprint for other African nations, illustrating how unity and resilience can overcome daunting challenges.

Additionally, military cooperation has proven effective in enhancing personnel skills, promoting human security, and creating conditions conducive to transitioning societies back to peaceful and stable structures. Ethiopia’s military, with its extensive experience operating in diverse terrains, has become a preferred partner for many nations seeking to bolster their defense capabilities.

These military alliances are instrumental in empowering nations to protect themselves, strengthen ties with allies, and manage conflicts more effectively. By providing essential equipment, military personnel, and necessary resources, these partnerships enable countries to defend themselves against common threats.

Through bilateral and multilateral partnerships, Ethiopia plays a pivotal role in promoting peace and stability across the continent. Despite facing internal and external challenges, Ethiopia remains committed to fostering solidarity and mutual development. Through joint initiatives, intelligence sharing, and capacity building, Ethiopia and its allies are working toward a more secure and prosperous future for the region.

The spirit of cooperation among African nations not only enhances their resilience but also reinforces the principle that regional security is a shared responsibility. Achieving this requires unity, collaboration, and a long-term vision.

As Ethiopia continues to build military alliances across the continent, it is setting a precedent for how countries can work together to address common challenges, ultimately contributing to a more secure and stable Africa for future generations.



Abbay Dam Construction Reaches 97.6% Completion

January 3, 2025

ADDIS ABABA – The construction of the Abbay Dam, Ethiopia’s flagship hydroelectric project, has reached a significant milestone, with civil work now 97.6% complete, according to the Dam Construction Coordination Office.

In an interview with the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), the Office Director-General Aregawi Berhe (PhD) stated that while the majority of the civil engineering work is finished, the remaining electromechanical work is crucial for the project’s full operational capacity.

He emphasized the importance of the four turbines currently generating power, highlighting that this achievement signifies a crucial step forward not only for Ethiopia but also for its neighboring countries.

The Director-General acknowledged the challenges faced during the project’s development, including external pressures and internal obstacles. However, he credited the unwavering leadership and the strong support of the Ethiopian people for the project’s continued progress.

“Beyond empowering 80% of rural communities with access to electricity,” he stated, “this expansion will facilitate the diversification of light and heavy industries, leading to increased trade, job creation, and accelerated economic development.”

Upon completion, the dam is expected to generate 5,500 megawatts of power, sufficient to drive the country’s economic growth and support electricity exports.

“This project will not only contribute to foreign exchange earnings but also foster cooperation and mutual development among neighboring countries,” he added.

Recognizing the trans-boundary nature of the rivers, Aregawi reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to continued cooperation with its neighbors to achieve shared development goals.

As the final stages of the project require substantial financial investment, he urged the general public and the Ethiopian Diaspora to continue their unwavering financial and other forms of support to ensure the successful completion of this mega-dam.



Empowering Ethiopia: The Vision Behind 5 Million Coders Initiative

January 3, 2025

Federal government institutions are mobilizing their employees to take the training, and all employees of some institutions are fully participating. In this regard, the entire staff of Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT) and the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAII) are taking the training.

On Tuesday, the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute organized an institutional program to acknowledge the officials and staff of the institute who completed the first round of training of the five million Ethiopian Coders’ Initiative. According to information from EAII, the entire staff of the institute is undergoing the training and has received their first round of certificates.

During his opening remarks at the program, EAII Director General Worku Gachena (PhD) said that the courses included in the five Million Ethio Coders program have a direct linkage with the major objectives of the institute. Worku stated that courses like AI, web programming, data science, and Android development are crucial to realizing the institute’s goals. He emphasized the importance of the national initiative in developing digital literacy and skills for the younger generation, stating that these courses are essential for all staff members to enhance their skills while working at institutions like EAII.

In addition to the officials and staff members of the institute, Worku mentioned that students who are members of AI Clubs established by the institute are also participating in the training with the support and follow-up of EAII. By taking the training, all staff members of the institute have gained valuable skills in the digital sector, which is crucial for fulfilling their institutional tasks and personal activities. Worku encouraged other institutions to mobilize their staff members to participate in the training, as the digital sector is becoming increasingly important across all sectors.

Head of the Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Affairs Minister, Alemtsehay Pawlos, attended the EAII program and stated that the five million Ethio Coders initiative will play a significant role in creating internationally competitive and skilled human resources in the digital sector. She mentioned that the Ethiopian Government is working towards realizing the Digital Ethiopia 2025 vision by investing in skilled human resource development and digital literacy. The 5 million coders’ initiative is a national program aimed at achieving these visions, and as the training is freely available to everyone, the younger generation should take advantage of it.

Alemtsehay appreciated the initiative being implemented by EAII and encouraged all staff members to participate in the training, calling on other institutions to follow this exemplary initiative.

Following the launch of the five million Ethio Coders initiative, Ethiopia is investing in creating awareness to inform the public about the program and encourage the younger generation to take part in the training. According to a report from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT) last week, more than 422,842 people have registered and are currently undergoing online training. In order to mobilize the youth and support regional states in participating in the training, MInT has established a national taskforce, bringing together stakeholders from various federal institutions, as reported last week by the ministry.

During the launch of the national taskforce, Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla (PhD), stated that over 422,842 individuals are currently participating in coding training nationwide. To further encourage youth participation, especially in regional states and city administrations, the establishment of a federal-level taskforce is necessary.

This taskforce will work with stakeholders from federal institutions and support the activities of regional states in training five million coders. It will also assess the performance of regional states and city administrations in implementing the program, identifying any major obstacles they may face.

The taskforce aims to address these obstacles by bringing them to the attention of the ministry for solutions. Minister Belete emphasized the importance of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s direction, noting the significant number of individuals across the country participating in training on artificial intelligence (AI), web programming, android development, and data science.

While over 422,842 citizens are registered for training nationally, 104,460 have already completed their training and received certificates. Employees of federal and private institutions in the capital have shown strong performance, prompting the ministry to work on extending this success to regional states.

The minister expressed satisfaction with the progress at the national level, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts from all stakeholders at federal and regional levels to achieve the goal of training over five million Ethiopians by 2026.



Women Involvement Beyond Socio-economic Spheres

January 3, 2025

Despite comprising more than 50 percent of the world’s population, Ethiopia is no exception of course, women continue to lack access to political leadership opportunities and resources at all levels of government. It is also well recognized that women have constituted more than half of the population.

Women’s participation in politics is relevant for all aspects of multidimensional poverty and it is linked to all other areas of gender equality.

Taking this fact into account, The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with Mihret Mekonnen, a gender specialist graduated from Addis Ababa University, to have a piece of information about the role of women in political participation in Ethiopia though it is not that much magnified as their contribution in socio-economic and cultural spheres.

She said, “True, women’s engagement in political and economic institutions by participating in bureaucracies, policy-making bodies, and representative organizations is of paramount importance in helping the nation making a difference in all aspects.”

As to Mihret, women’s political participation is a key issue for development cooperation as it is both a question of human rights, and a requirement for maintainable growth.

Besides, women’s participation in politics is directly linked to all other aspects of promoting gender equality, combating gender-based violence, boosting women’s economic empowerment, women’s and girls’ human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights and so forth. For example, economies with greater female representation in national legislative bodies are more likely to pass laws in areas that may hinder women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, including laws on sexual harassment, rape, divorce and domestic violence.

She further elucidated that a more equal distribution of unpaid care work may be both a condition and an outcome of women’s participation in politics. It is a fact that, by most measures, women’s political participation has expanded dramatically over the past years.

“Women’s rights organizations and other civil society actors argue that a broad understanding of women’s political participation is necessary. Women’s participation, leadership in and influence in all areas of society must be taken into consideration, and feminist activism and organizing are core when understanding and taking action to improve women’s political participation,” Mihret said.

Today, as democracy and human rights in general, and women’s and girls’ rights in particular, are under threat in many developing countries like ours and democratic structures are used to strengthen authoritarian regimes, this broad context is even more important to take into consideration.

According to Mihret, the concept women’s participation in politics is used to mark a big focus. However, women’s participation in politics must be understood in the context of and enforced through women’s participation, leadership and influence in all areas of society.

A focus on formal political institutions incorporates the importance of informal institutions and practices, as well as of civil society organizations or social movements. In development practice, efforts to improve women’s participation in politics is not limited to formal politics but must also include support to actors in a society that makes women’s participation in politics possible, including for example women’s rights organizations, she added.

Gender equality reforms and women’s increased participation may, of course, make a difference for women and societies even in authoritarian settings. Even so, however, critical evaluation and caution is necessary. The increase in women’s political participation over the past years is remarkable, Mihret opined.

True, she said, women’s participation in politics – across gender, age, caste, class, disabilities, religion, ethnicity, age and sexual orientation, is both a matter of human rights and a prerequisite for sustainable development. It matters for the eradication of all aspects of poverty—a national pride, indeed!

Strengthening women in politics throughout their lifespan, from young to old, through education and networks and increase access to family planning, sexuality education, and equal care in the world of work, in order for more women to have time and energy for political engagement at all levels, is definitely a viable weapon to come up with a difference in all aspects.

“Efforts to improve women’s participation in politics, and change underlying hindrances such as discriminatory norms and practices, is not limited to formal politics but also includes support to actors that makes this participation possible, such as women’s rights organizations,” she added.

“Besides, identifying and using men allies and up standers for women’s participation in politics at all levels—from husbands, partners, brothers, fathers and friends to ministers and political party leaders. Acknowledging gender quotas is also as important as tools for change towards gender equal participation in politics, and it is quite important as it has long been a good indicator for a democratic move.”

However, it is undoubtedly taken into account that the way they are designed and used, and be aware that they do not always lead to substantial change and cannot be considered a final solution. It is quite significant to be aware that resistance against progress takes many shapes and forms and adjust to context, and recognize and persistently address intimidation, harassment and gendered violence in politics. Yes, she said women are therefore underrepresented in the representative authorities.

She said, “Ethiopia has to motivate political parties to ensure the gender balance during elections by providing additional financial support to those parties that have won seats in parliament and met the gender quota. Political parties that have met the gender quota need to receive additional funds from the budget to finance their statutory activities, and thus are encouraged to involve women.”

She said, “Frankly speaking, intra-party quotas demonstrate the important role of political parties in involving women in politics at various stages. Conducting a gender audit in a party can reveal opportunities for growth in managing branches, as well as show how diversity and the involvement of women can help the party in the political arena. Parties, among other things, can also set up various funds to support women who have children and need help with looking after their children when they are doing party work.”

One should also pay attention to various training and leadership programs for women – for those who are already in office and those who are only planning their political activities. These programs not only teach women how to understand the budget or draft decisions, they also help them create communities, become self-confident, learn the mechanisms of self-defense against oppression, and be more confident and determined, thus playing an important role in the making of women politicians.

To the surprise of everyone said Mihret, “As gender specialists wrote, countries with more gender balance among their politicians often fare better than those dominated by men. And we have to think of how we achieve genuine gender equality in politics.”

Parliaments have a fundamental role in ensuring that their representative, lawmaking, and scrutiny functions work for the benefit of all. Gender equality constitutes by definition an integral part of any society that wishes to respond meaningfully to the challenges ahead, and of any parliament that claims to represent all the people.

Unequivocally, gender equality in politics, as to Mihret, is not only about numbers and equal parliamentary representation but it is also of a decisive step in true gender-sensitive policymaking. The positions that women occupy in parliaments are also indicative of their influence in decision-making and their ability to set the direction of parliamentary work.

“Not only women’s equal participation in decision-making is a demand for simple justice or democracy, but also a necessary pre-condition for women’s interests to be taken into account. Ascendency structures which do not result in the equal participation of men and women, or their equal enjoyment of benefits from state interventions are by definition neither inclusive nor democratic,” she opined.

According to Mihret, attracting women into the party to get the number of votes needed to have influence in party decision making or policy forums is also a vital step and a women’s branch can be a more comfortable place for women entering politics for the first time.

However it is crucial to integrate women’s branch into the structure of the party and define its role, or it will run the risk of being marginalized and powerless. Political parties can also adopt policies and special measures that provide women candidates’ financial assistance during campaigns, and when hold public office. Definitely, as to Mihret, women’s leadership in political spheres is shown to be socially, economically, culturally and psychologically beneficial, and is categorically a matter of women’s right to equal opportunity and access.



Ethiopia is Evacuating Thousands Facing Dangerous Volcanic Activity in a Remote Area


4:08 PM EST, January 3, 2025

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Thousands of civilians in a remote part of northeastern Ethiopia are being evacuated because of potentially dangerous volcanic activity, officials said Friday.

The evacuations come after steam eruptions have been seen since Thursday from the long-dormant volcano of Mount Dofen, raising fears of a volcanic eruption that could put many people at risk.

Also, volcanic mud flowing from Dofen has caused huge cracks on critical infrastructure, including on major roads, and dozens of properties have been severely damaged in the region of Afar, according to the Afar Region Disaster Risk Management.

The agency said on Friday that the evacuations are precautionary. The residents are being taken to safer areas within the region.

However, Atalay Ayele, professor of geophysics at the Institute of Geophysics Space Science and Astronomy, which is based at Addis Ababa University, said the steam eruptions may not necessarily lead to a full-blown volcanic eruption.

Afar is one of Ethiopia’s driest and hottest regions, with a history of volcanic eruptions and frequent earthquakes. The region is also prone to drought, famine and flooding that has forced many evacuations in recent years.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Israeli Warplanes Target Syrian Defense Production Sites

By Al Mayadeen English

Israeli aircraft struck positions in northern Syria, amid the continued aggression on the country.

Israeli military aircraft struck Syrian defense facilities in the eastern countryside of Aleppo, in northern Syria, late on Thursday, Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported. 

The strike which targeted arms production sites came amid a continued Israeli ground aggression on the country. Currently, Israeli occupation forces have advanced to the al-Mantara Dam in the Quneitra countryside, the largest dam in southern Syria. 

Israeli forces have taken control of the buffer zone east of the Golan, including six bodies of water and the Mount Hermon peak. 

Earlier, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the scope of the Israeli occupation military's activities in Syria is equivalent to the size of two regular brigades. The report also mentioned an "urgent plan to reinforce control over Syrian Mount Hermon."

The plan involves establishing positions by the technology and logistics division at two levels: one at an altitude of 2,400 meters and another at the summit of the mountain at 2,800 meters.

This will include long-term infrastructure for hundreds of fighters who will occupy the sector, along with supply depots and means of resupply for periods of disruption due to snowstorms, with roads being constructed from the Israeli side.