Cuban military parade emphasizes the necessity of national defense of the revolution. The government has maintained its sovereignty since the ouster of the pro-US regime in 1959.
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By Israel Hernández Álvarez
“Defense is nothing to play with” said Cuban First Vice President and Army General Raul Castro Ruz during the closing speech for the main celebration of the 54th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes garrisons in Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo cities, respectively.
The also minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces announced that by the end of next year, Cuba will organize the Bastion 2008 military exercise as a continuation of the Caguairan Operation began 12 months ago, aimed to the preparation for the defense of the people that will mobilize over a million Cubans in the next stage.
Raul reiterated the need for discipline in life and society and alerted that not all difficulties can be solve right away taking into consideration the current economic situation of the world, including Cuba, as well as the increase of the US blockade on the island.
He referred to the high prices of the oil and foodstuffs nowadays, so the country has to make great efforts to buy them in the world market.
Raul affirmed that Cuba will continue to honor its commitments toward the migratory accords and assured that the last 12 months constitute an evidence of seriousness because “no task was undone despite our deep sorrow”. Later on, he referred to the fact of looking for the most effective solutions to every situation and said: “None of the tasks of the Battle of Ideas, the Energy Revolution and others launched by the Commander in Chief has been paralyzed, although it was necessary to make some adjustments".
He reminded how the enemies of the Revolution in the United States have tried to drown the Cuban people, but it has always been victorious in the battles, inspired by its great patriots.
“The morals of the Cuban people –affirmed Raul- has been raised in that forge of sacrifice”. He stressed that the Five Cuban Heroes imprisoned by the Empire have behave as worthy Cubans.
Raul, on behalf of Fidel, congratulated Camaguey along with the rest of the provinces with outstanding work in the “26” emulation (Ciudad de La Habana, Granma and Villa Clara) as well as the other which were also recognized (Sancti Spiritus, Cienfuegos and Matanzas and Las Tunas)
Over 100 000 Camaguey residents attended the ceremony where the Commanders of the Revolution Juan Almeida, Guillermo Garcia and Ramiro Valdes were also present together with other participants in the expedition of Granma yacht in which 82 fighters arrived in Cuba from Mexico to start the last liberation stage of the struggle.
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