H. Rap Brown (later known as Jamil al-Amin) in Cambridge, Maryland after the rebellion where he was ambushed by police in July of 1967.
Originally uploaded by Pan-African News Wire File Photos
Yesterday, after a letter to the Department of Corrections and calls to the prison on behalf of the Imam, Reidsville provided covered food to the Imam.
In addition, this morning the warden met with the Imam and acknowledged that the assault on a prison guard allegation was false. The warden also requested that the Imam get the word out that future calls should be directed to the Department of Corrections in Atlanta concerning his conditions.
The warden called the office of Imam Jamils wife, with the Imam present this morning to provide the update.
Imam Jamil Al-Amin would like to thank everyone who called on his behalf.
This is an indication that a swift outporing of support and outrage can rectify these types of baseless charges and harassment. It clearly is a sign how important it is for us to respond quickly and never to forget our responsibility to assist the Imam and others who are incarcerated.
Thank you and please continue
Jamil Al-Amin needs our help!
After filing a complaint with prison officials that his legal mail from his wife was being opened by guards, Jamil Al-Amin was moved to another area of the Reidsville Prison. The area he is currently in is reserved for mental patients, and those who throw their food at guards.
When Imam Jamil asked why he was moved to that area of the facility, he was informed that a guard (the same guard that illegally opened his mail) had put on his record that Jamil Al-Amin had assaulted him.
The food Jamil Al-Amin is being "served" is brought uncovered, and fed to him through what can only be considered a troth (which is the way pigs and other farm animals are fed).
Prison officials also use same opening used to push his food through to mop the dirty floor of the cell, furthering the possibility of contamination. This unsanitary food handling has prompted Imam Jamil to refuse the food from the Prison entirely, in essence Imam Jamil is on a hunger strike.
Jamil Al-Amin's defense team is asking that he be moved to another facility because he is not recieving fair treatment at Reidsville as a result of filing his complaint.
We have an obligation to contact the Warden and ask for his fair treatment.
Please write or call the Warden at the Reidsville Prison
Stephen Upton , Warden
Georgia State Prison
Reidsville, GA 30453
or call
(912) 557-7301
The initials of the guard that both opened Jamil Al-Amin's mail and added the false assault incident to his record are "A.D".
Please remember not to make threats or allegations. Examples of concerns to raise in your correspondence would be the following:
Why was Jamil Al-Amin recently moved into an further isolation, and to an area of the prison reserved for patients with mental problems?
Why is Jamil Al-Amin still being held in Administrative
What is being done to ensure the best interests of Jamil Al-Amin's safety and heath?
Please circulate this widely and do all you can to help Imam Jamil Al-Amin!
Jazaka' Allah Khairun
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