Cuban Vice-President Esteban Lazo Hernandez signing the book of condolences for the recently passed Rev. Lucius Walker of the United States who was a longtime friend of the Cuban Revolution. Walker led the IFCO agency and the Pastors for Peace., a photo by Pan-African News Wire File Photos on Flickr.
Havana. March 17, 2011
April 16th
A march for the reaffirmation and continuity of socialism
Yudy Castro Morales
The April 16th parade in honor of the 50th anniversaries of the Proclamation of the Socialist Character of the Revolution and the victory at Playa Girón [Bay of Pigs], has every reason to be historic, especially since it is dedicated to youth, upon whose shoulders rests the continuity of the Revolutionary process. It will also serve as the opening event to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) which will begin that very afternoon.
Esteban Lazo, member of the PCC Political Bureau and Vice President of the Council of State, presided a work meeting during which officials and leaders of political and mass organizations in Havana discussed the preparations and security measures being taken for the event.
Lazo emphasized the significance of the victory at the Bay of Pigs for young Cubans, since it marked the triumph of socialism over a dishonorable past and made possible the construction of a dignified future. Precisely the broad participation of new generations will reaffirm Cuba's commitment to this legacy of conquests, which will have to be defended from every trench, as did the young combatants in the sands of Girón, the mountains of the Sierra Maestra and the Moncada.
The tribute will begin with a military review commemorating the anniversary, followed by a people's parade with the participation of Havana's municipalities representing the Cuban people. All sectors of society will be reflected.
Students from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin High School will lead the youth section, to be composed of professionals, pioneros (from elementary school), camilitos (from military academies), athletes and university students, reported Yudith Area Sarmiento, secretary of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) in Havana.
Lázara Mercedes López Acea, first secretary of the PCC in Havana and Rolando Alfonso Borges, head of the Central Committee's ideological department insisted that discipline, organization and combativity should characterize the day and, above all, they reiterated the need for young people to participate fully conscious of the historic moment they are living.
Translated by Granma International •
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