European countries have bombed the African state of Libya. After financing a rebel assault which was defeated, the Europeans have killed children in airstrikes. , a photo by Pan-African News Wire File Photos on Flickr.
Pro-Gaddafi rally draws thousands in Mali capital
Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:59pm GMT
BAMAKO (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters marched through the Malian capital Bamako on Friday, chanting support for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi's in a rally against Western air raids aimed at breaking down his military.
A Reuters reporter said a section of the crowd demonstrated peacefully outside the French embassy before moving off in the direction of the U.S. embassy, shouting "Killer Sarkozy" and "Down with Obama" in anger at French and U.S. leaders Nicolas Sarkozy and Barack Obama.
The march was organised by Islamic groups in the African nation, which is separated from Libya geographically by Niger. There was no official estimate of the size of the protest, which brought traffic to a halt through the city centre.
International air strikes have split public and official opinion in Africa, with some offended by what they see as a breach of sovereignty while others question why the West has not done the same to end a lethal power struggle in Ivory Coast.
Western governments hope that such raids, launched on Saturday with the aim of protecting civilians, will shift the balance of power in favour of the Arab world's most violent popular revolt.
Early on in the uprising that began in Libya a month ago, groups opposed to Gaddafi said he was using mercenaries recruited from Mali, Niger and Chad.
Tens of thousands of migrants, mainly from western Africa, are believed to have been working in Libya before the conflict, mainly in the oil industry and on building sites.
Lanka condemns air strikes on Libya
Air strikes by the international coalition led by the United States and western nations on Libya under the pretext of safeguarding civilian lives, while the two factions of Libya are engaged in a conflict in order to takeover the rule of the country.
The Sri Lankan Government and citizens stood firmly against the air strikes led by the international coalition led by the US to neutralise the air defence of Libya and its leader Muammar Gaddafi’s military power against the rebels.
Street protests were organised against the air strikes on Libya and to condemn the attempt to assasinate a leader of a nation by bombing Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi’s compound in Tripoli.
An international coalition has launched the first wave of attacks on Libyan air defences and tanks. The military action took place just hours after an emergency summit of world leaders in Paris ended on March 19.
While the leaders were talking, French Mirage fighter jets were seen circling the skies above Libya’s rebel-held eastern city of Benghazi. Soon after, American warships and British submarines launched the first phase of their missile assault.
Their aim was to knock out Libya’s air defences. They fired a total of 112 cruise missiles at more than 20 targets around the capital Tripoli and coastal town of Misurata.
It was the External Affairs Minister Prof G.L. Peiris who came out with the Government’s stance on air strikes on Libya by the international coalition led by the US when UPFA National List MP A.H.M. Azwer brought an adjournment motion to condemn the air strikes on Libya.
External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris:
“The air strikes are harming civilians and a violation of the territorial integrity of an independent country.
Air strikes were contrary to a UN resolution that was adopted with the aim of alleviating the suffering of civilians in that country.
We feel empathy for the people of Libya. The action today has been taken in accordance with a UN Security Council resolution. But this authority given to them is not an open ended authority but it is restricted. Action should be taken to protect the civilians in Libya. Any action taken beyond this objective is not acceptable.
Suffering of the Libyan people should be relieved by these actions. Have those people felt relief as a result of those air strikes ? It has worsened their suffering. I would like to point out that political relations are crucial at this time. We hope that the Libyan Government will soon come out with a solution to this problem. It should be a fair solution that serves the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Libya.
Western Province Governor Alavi Mowlana:
“Today, Libya is being bombarded by Western Powers. It was Afghanistan once followed with Iraq. Countries are ear-marked if they do not follow Western dictates.
“The era of Medieval Crusade is being repeated under a different cloak. By selecting certain countries in the Middle Eastern Sector, the Western Powers are adopting unethical practices. Though they articulate democracy and encourage a free society, yet the preferred nations are excluded. The rest will have to pay a heavy price to exist as it were.
“Then American President Franklin D Roosvelt remarked when referring to the ruthless tyranny of Nicaraguan Dictator Anastasio Somoza “He may be a son of a bitch but he is our own son of a bitch.” This mirrors the mindset of Western Countries.
Justice and fairplay have no role. The entire world is disinterested in the carnage committed in Libya by the Allied Forces. It is a paradox to find that the people are determined to save from the so-called tyrannical leader are being butchered. Invalids, old women and children are paying a price with their lives to the whims and fancies of vested interests.
“This must be stopped forthwith and all the right-thinking people and countries must rise up against this injustice. It is a clear warning to the free world that the vested super powers are waiting in the wings to pounce upon you on flimsy reason.”
Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities Minister and National Freedom Front Leader Wimal Weerawansa:
We are against the biased behaviour of the UN on Libya in favour of the US and Britain. The people of Libya should decide how to resolve their own internal problems. What they need is not to defend the civilians in Libya but to take control of the oil resources of Libya under the pretext of saving the lives of the civilian population.
This is an hypocritical act by the Western nations which are in greed for oil and an attempt to get rid of another world leader who stands against the agenda of the US.
A.H.M. Azwer MP:
The military intervention in Libya by the joint forces of America, UK and France, has raised a huge uproar. This is an act of blatant violation of the UN charter. Some of these countries responsible for the death of over a million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, were also accomplices in crimes against the Palestinian people. They stand by and watch as the Israelis massacre innocent Palestinians.
The International Media opines that the military intervention in Libya is directed both to secure access to oil and to bring strong military presence in regions which would be a potential danger to the Arab and Muslim world in future.
The conscience of the world community is highly disturbed by this deliberate violation of human rights and the violation of the United Nation Charter on Non interference on the internal affairs of other countries.
Therefore we should resolve to make an appeal for an immediate halt to the attack carried out by the Western Alliance on Libya and also recognize the honour, dignity and the free-will of the people of the Libyan Jamahiriyia to decide their future course of action by themselves.
JHU Frontliner and Environment, Agriculture and Irrigation Minister Wetern province Udaya Gammanpila:
The military intervention of the USA and its allies in Libya is not because there is no democracy but because there is oil. Several states in the Middle eastern region are being ruled by Kings and Queens who have denied democracy to their people. They are not in the list of the USA’s dictatorial countries because they have pledged their support to the USA.
The USA which has contributed largely to global warming and the resultant climate change, earthquakes, tsunamis and extreme weather conditions would further agrravate the situation when its effort to take control of the oil wells succeeded.
They would use fossil fuel to higher level contributing further to global warming. Their military intervention in Libya is not as it was in Afghanistan and Iraq and have an ulterior motives.
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