Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Developing into an Impregnable Unit
Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People’s Army is proud of its history adorned with the immortal exploits brilliant commanders of Mt Paektu made for the development of the KPA.

Chairman Kim Jong Il, shouldering the responsibility for the destiny of his country and nation and defending their sovereignty and dignity, continued his endless journey to military units throughout his life. His visit to Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division on August 25, Juche 49 (1960) marked the start of his Songun-based revolutionary leadership.

That day Kim Jong Il who accompanied Kim Il Sung on his inspection of the division told officials that the service personnel should hold high the slogan, Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the respected Comrade Kim Il Sung! He also specified such tasks and ways in strengthening the combat capability as intensifying combat and political training and taking good care of weapons and technical equipment.

Afterwards, he visited the division several times, gave detailed instructions on the employment of tanks in modern warfare and necessary tactics, and explained the orientation and ways of training tankmen into competent personnel, thus developing the division into an invincible tank division capable of defeating any formidable enemy.

On the morning of New Year’s Day in Juche 101 (2012) the KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un visited the guards division as his first official inspection.

Shaking hands with the commanding officers, the Supreme Commander said he had come to see them, who must have spent the days in tears of blood after losing Chairman Kim Jong Il.

That day while looking round several places at the unit, he stressed that the service personnel should be fully aware that they could perform with credit the noble mission for the country and people in wartime only by intensifying training in peacetime and thus conduct intensive training in a revolutionary way and amid fierce flames as the anti-Japanese guerrillas had done on Mt Paektu.

Kim Jong Un implanted in the hearts of the service personnel unshakeable faith and will to share the destiny with comrades-in-arms who were trained by Chairman Kim Jong Il throughout his life, and accomplish the cause of the Juche revolution, arm in arm and shoulder to shoulder with them.

Being proud of its history adorned with the leadership exploits of brilliant commanders of Mt Paektu associated with the division, all the service personnel of Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division are striving to build up their capacity in an all-round manner through intensive training.

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