Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Senior Party and State Officials Visit Korean Revolution Museum
Senior Party and state officials of the DPRK and officials of the ministries and national institutions visited the Korean Revolution Museum on December 17, the 6th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il's demise.

They were briefed on the fact that he performed undying revolutionary feats which would long shine in the history of the country, continuing to make high-intensity forced march for the prosperity of Juche Korea and the happiness of the people.

They also watched the video of his field guidance to every nook and corner of the country with his train as an office room and home even in the days of Juche 100 (2011), the last year of his great revolutionary career, which made them look back with deep emotion upon his devotion and efforts.

They paid tribute to the colour statue of Kim Jong Il standing on Chol Pass, symbolic of the leadership of Songun revolution, in a padded jacket at the hall of arduous and forced marches.

They watched for a while the pictures and relics of Kim Jong Il arousing service personnel and people at the hill of tears of blood and visiting Height 351, the Cho Islet Defence Detachment, the construction site of the Anbyon Youth Power Station, etc. in order to firmly defend socialism and pave a broad avenue to the building of a thriving country.


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