Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Dozens Injured, Fatalities on Both Sides in Ongoing Military Operations in Slavyansk
Slavyansk resident looks at shells from high-powered rifles after a fascist
in Slavyansk

May 05, 2014 09:34

There were fatalities among both Kiev loyalists and local militia members after government troops renewed the crackdown on the defiant eastern Ukrainian protester stronghold of Slavyansk. Over a dozen of people have been killed, including some civilians.

There was a shooting on the outskirts of Slavyansk as pro-government troops raided a protester checkpoint on Monday.

At least 10 self-defense fighters and their unarmed civilian supporters have been killed in the latest clashes, the commander of Slavyansk self-defense, Igor Strelkov, told RIA Novosti.

“We suffered losses – about 10 people, including civilians, 20-25 people were injured. I do not know the losses of our adversaries; clearly they are smaller than ours, they have armor. Most of our losses came from plainclothes [troops], disguised as civilians. We fell into their ambush near a petrol station,” Strelkov said.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry said four of its troops were killed and some 30 others injured in Slavyansk during Monday’s attack. There are also casualties among the civilian population of the city, the ministry added.

A Ukrainian army helicopter was downed by heavy machine gun fire and crashed into a river in the Slavyansk area, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry press service has said in a statement. The aircraft, identified as Mi-24 helicopter, was hit at 14:30 local time (11:30 GMT) while doing a target run during a combat mission, the statement said. The pilots survived the crash and have been evacuated.

RT stringer Graham Phillips filmed the aftermath of fighting in an area east of Slavyansk, where 12 people were allegedly killed on Monday. Locals told Phillips they had to jump to the ground to avoid getting caught in the shootout.

Slavyansk city hospital reported admitting seven injured during the morning. Two of them, suffering from gunshot wounds, died in hospital.

A 30-year-old civilian woman was shot in the head and killed by a sniper while standing on her balcony, RT’s Paula Slier reported, citing doctors. Slier managed to get to the scene and interview the family of the victim.

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